Koronavirüs salgını ülkemizi, dünyayı tehdit edeli, tüm düzenimizi değiştireli neredeyse iki yıl olacak.

Bu nedenle geçen yaz tatilinde ne yapacağımız, nereye gideceğimiz, kendimizi nasıl koruyacağımız konusunda oldukça tedirgindik. Çoğu kişi evinden çıkmayı tehlikeli buldu.
Tatil planlarını erteledi. Bazılarımız otellere gidip tatil yaptı. Bazılarımız köyüne, kasabasına giderek dinlenmeyi tercih etti.

Bu yıl yine yaz geldi çattı. Hepimiz haklı olarak bir hafta da olsa nefes almak, gönlümüzce bir yaz tatili geçirmek istiyoruz. Denize girmek, güneşlenmek ya da orman, dağ bayır gezmek…

Hiç olmazsa sıcaklarda serinlemek için havuza girmek istiyoruz.

Herkesin tatil plan ve istekleri farklı farklı. Her ne kadar oteller, kalacağımız yerler önlemini alsa da bizim de Koronavirüs nedeniyle kendi önlemlerimizi almamızda yarar var.

Koronavirüs salgını ülkemizi, dünyayı tehdit edeli, tüm düzenimizi değiştireli neredeyse iki yıl olacak.

However, you should not leave your guard down. It is important that sick people do not enter the pool. It is said that when the nose of a sick person is mixed with water, there may be a possibility of transmission of the virus.

Of course, it is possible to catch other diseases from pools that are not cleaned sufficiently.

Typhoid fever, Coli bacillus, Hepatitis A, E, fungal diseases, urinary tract and throat infections, eye and ear infections are the most well-known diseases caused by pools.

Experts say if you intend to enter a pool where you believe all the cleaning conditions are met in a very safe place and cool off, still be careful. Keep your distance in and out of the pool. Always wear your mask when outside the pool, do not come into contact with people

What Can We Do Before Entering the Pool?

One should definitely take a shower before entering the pool. Thus, as your body absorbs clean water and becomes saturated, it absorbs less the medicated water of the pool. Of course, as soon as you get out of the pool, you should have a nice cleansing shower…

You should step on the medicated water pool and jump into the pool while holding the nose.

You should wear cap, glasses and earplugs in the pool, and take care not to swallow water and spit in water.

Since standing in a wet swimsuit when you get out of the pool will invite fungal diseases, you should change your swimsuit immediately …

In addition to all these, if you have open wounds, scratches, etc. on your body, it would be beneficial not to enter the pool until they heal.

Those who have febrile illnesses and diarrhea are also inconvenient to enter the pool.

Especially, women should avoid swimming in the pool on the day of body cleaning, waxing, and laser epilation.

We Should Be Careful With Children, Babies and Swimming Pools

Children and babies are more vulnerable to dangers, so be extra careful when putting them in the pool. It is risky for children who do not have hepatitis A and B vaccine to enter the pool.

Babies should not be put into the pool while their diapers are tied, they should be taken to the toilet frequently, and their body cleaning should be done well before they are put into the pool. Children and babies should not be left alone in the pool for a moment due to their safety.

Of course, since the pool sides are slippery, it is useful to be cautious while walking and pay attention to whether there is an open electricity cable around the pool.

I tried to convey some basic information about swimming in the pool here, but I am still stating, be careful as the coronavirus epidemic continues, experts do not give very clear information on this issue.

Information can change over time. Today it is said that chlorine kills the virus, but I don’t know if something else will be said in the future.

Do not be sick when you want to cool off, health is more important than anything else. Precaution and protection are essential.

I wish everyone a healthy and happy day…


Mutlaka tatil yapacağım, yaz sıcağında serinlemek için havuza, denize gireceğim diyorsanız ; maske, mesafe, temizlik kurallarına dikkat etmeniz çok önemli.

Deniz suyunda virüsün barınamayacağı söyleniyor. Durgun sularda olabilir deniliyor.

Havuzlara Dikkat

Havuzlarda Korona tehlikesi var mı yok mu diye biraz araştırdığımda uzmanların genel görüşü, sürekli temizlenip klorlanan havuzlarda virüsün yaşamayacağı yönünde.
Ancak yine de tedbiri elden bırakmamak gerekiyor. Havuza hasta kişilerin girmemesi önemli. Hasta birinin ağzından burnundan çıkanlar sulara karıştığında virüsün bulaşma ihtimali de olabilir deniliyor.

Tabii yeterince temizlenmeyen havuzlardan başka hastalıklar da kapmak mümkün.

Tifo, Koli basili, Hepatit A, E,mantar hastalıkları, idrar yolu ve boğaz enfeksiyonları, göz, kulak iltihabı havuzlardan kapılan hastalıkların en bilinenleri…

Uzmanlar, çok güvenilir bir yerde, tüm temizlik koşullarının yapıldığına inandığınız bir havuza illa girip serinlemek niyetindeyseniz yine de dikkatli olun diyor. Havuzun içinde ve dışında mesafenizi koruyun. Havuzun dışındayken mutlaka maskenizi takın, insanlarla temas etmeyin.

Havuza Girmeden Önce Neler Yapabiliriz?

Havuza girmeden mutlaka duş almalı. Böylece vücudunuz temiz suyu emip doyduğundan, havuzun ilaçlı suyunu daha az emer. Tabii havuzdan çıkar çıkmaz da güzel bir temizlenme duşu almalı…

İlaçlı su havuzuna basarak geçmeli, burnu tutarak havuza atlamalı.

Havuzda bone, gözlük ve kulak tıkacı takmalı, su yutmamaya ve suya tükürmemeye özen göstermeli.

Havuzdan çıkınca ıslak mayoyla durmak mantar hastalıklarına davetiye çıkaracağından, hemen mayoyu değiştirmeli…

Tüm bunların yanı sıra, vücudunuzda açık yara, çizik, vs varsa iyileşene dek havuza girmemekte yarar var.

Havuzda bone, gözlük ve kulak tıkacı takmalı, su yutmamaya ve suya tükürmemeye özen göstermeli.

Havuzdan çıkınca ıslak mayoyla durmak mantar hastalıklarına davetiye çıkaracağından, hemen mayoyu değiştirmeli…

Tüm bunların yanı sıra, vücudunuzda açık yara, çizik, vs varsa iyileşene dek havuza girmemekte yarar var.

Ateşli hastalık geçirenlerin, ishali olanların da havuza girmeleri sakıncalı.

Özellikle kadınlar, vücut temizliği, ağda, lazer epilasyon yaptırdıkları gün havuza girmekten kaçınmalı.

Çocuk ve Bebek ve Havuza Girerken Dikkatli Olmalıyız

Çocuk ve bebekler, tehlikelere karşı daha korunmasız olduğundan onları havuza sokarken daha da dikkatli olunmalı. Hepatit A ve B aşısı olmayan çocukların havuza girmesi risklidir.

Bebekler, bezleri bağlıyken havuza sokulmamalı, sık sık tuvalete götürülmeli, havuza sokulmadan önce beden temizlikleri iyi yapılmalı. Çocuk ve bebekler güvenlikleri nedeniyle bir an olsun havuzda yalnız bırakılmamalıdır.

Elbette havuz kenarları kaygan olduğundan yürürken temkinli olmakta, havuzun etrafında açıkta elektrik kablosu olup olmadığına dikkat etmekte de yarar var.

Havuza girme konusunda bazı temel bilgileri burada aktarmaya çalıştım ama yine de belirtiyorum, Koronavirüs salgını devam ederken aman dikkat, uzmanlar çok da net bilgi vermiyorlar bu konuda.

Bilgiler zaman içinde değişebiliyor. Bugün klor virüsü öldürüyor deniliyor ama ileride başka bir şey söylenir mi bilmem.

Serinleyeyim derken hasta da olmayın, sağlık her şeyden mühim. Tedbir ve korunma şart.

Sağlıklı ve mutlu günler diliyorum herkese…


Summer Holiday In Coronavirus Dangers In Pools

Since the coronavirus epidemic threatens our country, the world, and changes our entire order it will be almost two years.

For this reason, we were very worried about what to do, where to go, how to protect ourselves during our last summer vacation. Many people found it dangerous to leave their homes.

It postponed its vacation plans. Some of us went to hotels and took a vacation. Some of us preferred to go to their village, town and rest.

It’s summer again this year. We all rightfully want to breathe, even if it is for a week, and spend a summer vacation in our hearts. Going into the sea, sunbathing or walking through the forest, mountain slopes …

At least we want to enter the pool to cool off in the heat.

Everyone’s vacation plans and requests are different. Although hotels and places to stay take precautions, it is beneficial for us to take our own precautions due to the coronavirus.
If you say that I will definitely have a holiday and swim in the pool or the sea to cool off in the summer heat, it is very important to pay attention to mask, distance and cleaning rules.

It is said that the virus cannot live in seawater. It is said to be in dead waters.

Pay attention to pools

When I researched whether there is a corona danger in pools or not, the general opinion of the experts is that the virus will not live in pools that are constantly cleaned and chlorinated.

Since the coronavirus epidemic threatens our country, the world, and changes our entire order it will be almost two years.

However, you should not leave your guard down. It is important that sick people do not enter the pool. It is said that when the nose of a sick person is mixed with water, there may be a possibility of transmission of the virus.

Of course, it is possible to catch other diseases from pools that are not cleaned sufficiently.

Typhoid fever, Coli bacillus, Hepatitis A, E, fungal diseases, urinary tract and throat infections, eye and ear infections are the most well-known diseases caused by pools.

Experts say if you intend to enter a pool where you believe all the cleaning conditions are met in a very safe place and cool off, still be careful. Keep your distance in and out of the pool. Always wear your mask when outside the pool, do not come into contact with people

What Can We Do Before Entering the Pool?

One should definitely take a shower before entering the pool. Thus, as your body absorbs clean water and becomes saturated, it absorbs less the medicated water of the pool. Of course, as soon as you get out of the pool, you should have a nice cleansing shower…

You should step on the medicated water pool and jump into the pool while holding the nose.

You should wear cap, glasses and earplugs in the pool, and take care not to swallow water and spit in water.

Since standing in a wet swimsuit when you get out of the pool will invite fungal diseases, you should change your swimsuit immediately …

In addition to all these, if you have open wounds, scratches, etc. on your body, it would be beneficial not to enter the pool until they heal.

Those who have febrile illnesses and diarrhea are also inconvenient to enter the pool.

Especially, women should avoid swimming in the pool on the day of body cleaning, waxing, and laser epilation.

We Should Be Careful With Children, Babies and Swimming Pools

Children and babies are more vulnerable to dangers, so be extra careful when putting them in the pool. It is risky for children who do not have hepatitis A and B vaccine to enter the pool.

Babies should not be put into the pool while their diapers are tied, they should be taken to the toilet frequently, and their body cleaning should be done well before they are put into the pool. Children and babies should not be left alone in the pool for a moment due to their safety.

Of course, since the pool sides are slippery, it is useful to be cautious while walking and pay attention to whether there is an open electricity cable around the pool.

I tried to convey some basic information about swimming in the pool here, but I am still stating, be careful as the coronavirus epidemic continues, experts do not give very clear information on this issue.

Information can change over time. Today it is said that chlorine kills the virus, but I don’t know if something else will be said in the future.

Do not be sick when you want to cool off, health is more important than anything else. Precaution and protection are essential.

I wish everyone a healthy and happy day…