Ülkemizin de içinde bulunduğu kuzey yarın kürede
22 Aralık-22 Mart arası kış mevsimi yaşanır.

Dünyamız kendi etrafında ve güneşin etrafında belirli bir eğimle döner. Ayrıca, güneşin etrafında dönerken izlediği yörünge tam bir çember değil, bir elips şeklindedir. Bu nedenler yüzünden yıl boyunca belirli zamanlarda güneşe yaklaşır, belirli zamanlarda uzaklaşır.

Eğimli duruşu yüzünden yılın altı ayı kuzey yarım küre güneşe daha yakın duruma gelir, daha çok ve daha yoğun ışık ve ısı alır. Bu sürede güney yarım küre güneşten uzak kaldığından kuzey yarım küreye oranla daha az ışık ve ısı alır.

Kuzey yarım küre ilkbahar ve yazı yaşarken güney yarım küre sonbahar ve kış mevsimlerini yaşar. Böylece kuzey ve güney yarım kürelerde üçer aydan dörder mevsim yaşanır. Kutup bölgelerinde ise kısa bir yaz mevsimi ve uzun bir kış mevsimi hüküm sürer.

Ülkemizin de içinde bulunduğu kuzey yarın kürede 22 Aralık-22 Mart arası kış mevsimi yaşanır.



Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.



Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.



Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.

Kış ve Hastalıklar

Kış hastalıkların arttığı mevsimdir. Bu artışın pek çok nedeni vardır. Bu mevsimde insanlar soğuk ve yağış yüzünden evlerinde daha çok kalır, daha çok yer içer fakat daha az hareket ederler. Bu durum vücudun yağlanıp, kilo almasına sebep olur.

Kapalı kalmak sıkıntı ve strese hatta depresyona neden olur, bu duruma alınan fazla kiloların verdiği sıkıntı, stres hatta rahatsızlıklar eklenir. Şeker ve tansiyon yükselir.

Kış mevsimlerinde dışardaki hava yanan soba ve kaloriferin gaz ve dumanları ile bunlara ilave olan egzoz gazları yüzünden çok kirlidir.

Kirli hava kronik hastalığı olan pek çok kişiyi etkiler alerjik astımlılar, solunum yolu hastaları soğuk ve kirli havadan çabucak etkilenir. Viral enfeksiyonlar, nezle, grip, faranjit, sinüzit, astım atakları tekrarlanır.

Genel olarak soğuğun kalp, damar hastalıkları ile alerjiyi tetiklediği bilinir. Soğuk havada kalplerimiz daha çok çalışır ve daha çabuk yorulur. Kalın giyinip, üşümemeye çalışmak ve dışarıda egzersiz yapmamak gerekir.

Tansiyonu, şekeri ve kolesterolü dengesiz olanlar ile sigara içenlerin kış mevsimlerinde damarlarının daraldıklarını göz önüne alarak kalp krizinden korunmak için önlem almaları gerekir.

Alerjik bünyeli olanlarda soğuk günlerde açık havada ağız ve burunlarından doğrudan soğuk ve kirli hava almamaya, kalabalık kapalı ortamlarda bulunmamaya özen göstermelidirler.

Koah ve Zatürre

Ülkemizde en sık görülen üçüncü ölüm nedeni solunum sistemi hastalıklarıdır. Ölümle sonuçlanan solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yüzde 61,5’i KOAH’tan kaynaklanır. Koah, Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı’nın kısa yazılışıdır. Hastalığın uzun ismini oluşturan dört kelimenin baş harflerinden oluşur.

2018 yılı verilerine göre KOAH’dan etkilenenlerin sayısı dünyada 320 milyon kişi, yıllık ölü sayısı 3 milyon kişidir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO)’nun tahminlerine göre Koah, 2030 yılına kadar dünya çapında önde gelen üçüncü ölüm nedeni olacaktır. Koah’ın baş nedeni sigara dumanıdır.

Sigara dumanı solunum yollarında ve ciğerlerde yaralar oluşturur. Bu yaralar hızla iltihaplanır. Hasta doya doya ve rahat nefes alamaz. Öksürerek rahatlamaya çalışır. Soğuk ve yetersiz beslenme vücudun savunma sistemini zayıflatınca yaralara mikrop, bakteri ve virüsler ulaşır. KOAH zatürre için önemli bir risk faktörüdür. KOAH’lı hastaların zatürreye yakalanma riski sağlıklı insanların yakalanma risklerinden 10 kat fazladır.

KOAH ülkemizde 40 yaş ve üstündeki erkeklerin yüzde 20’sinde görülür.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Our Earth revolves around itself and around the sun with a certain inclination. Also, the orbit it follows as it orbits the sun is not a complete circle, but rather an ellipse. Because of these reasons, it approaches the sun at certain times throughout the year, it moves away at certain times.

Because of its sloping posture, for six months of the year, the northern hemisphere becomes closer to the Sun, receiving a lot of and more intense light and heat. At this time, the southern hemisphere is far from the sun, so it receives less light and heat than the northern hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere experiences spring and summer, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn and winter. Thus, there are three months and four seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the polar regions, there is a short summer season and a long winter season.

In the northern hemisphere, where our country is located, the winter season is experienced between December 22 and March 22.

Winter and Diseases

Winter is the season when diseases increase. There are many reasons for this increase. During this season, people stay in their homes more because of the cold and rainfall, eat and drink more, but move less. This causes the body to gain fat and gain weight.

Staying indoors causes boredom and stress, even depression, and the distress, stress, or even discomfort caused by excess weight is added to this condition. Diabetes and blood pressure rise.

In winter, the air outside is very dirty due to the gas and fumes of the burning stove and heater and the exhaust gases added to them.

Polluted air affects many people with chronic diseases allergic asthmatics, respiratory patients are quickly affected by cold and polluted air. Viral infections, colds, flu, farangitis, sinusitis, asthma attacks are repeated.

In general, cold is known to trigger allergies with cardiovascular diseases. In cold weather, our hearts work harder and get tired faster. It is necessary to dress thick, try not to get cold and not exercise outside.

People with blood pressure, diabetes, and people with unbalanced cholesterol, as well as smokers, should take precautions to protect themselves from a heart attack, considering that their blood vessels narrow during the winter.

People with an allergic structure should take care not to get cold and dirty air directly from their mouth and nose in the open air on cold days, not to be in crowded indoor environments.

COPD and Pneumonia

The third most common cause of death in our country is respiratory system diseases. 61.5 percent of respiratory diseases resulting in death are caused by COPD. COPD is a short form of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It consists of the initials of four words that make up the long name of the disease.

According to 2018 data, the number of people affected by COPD is 320 million people in the world, and the annual death toll is 3 million people. COPD will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030, according to estimates by the World Health Organization (who). The main cause of COPD is cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke creates wounds in the respiratory tract and lungs. These wounds quickly become inflamed. The patient cannot breathe completely and comfortably. They try to relax by coughing. When cold and malnutrition weaken the body’s defense system, germs, bacteria and viruses reach the wounds. COPD is a major risk factor for pneumonia. Patients with COPD have a 10 times greater risk of developing pneumonia than healthy people.

COPD occurs in 20 percent of men aged 40 and older in our country.