Vücudumuzu Hastalıklara Karşı Koruyan Kalkan
İnsanoğlu aylardır büyük bir sınavdan geçiyor. Corona diğer adıyla Covid 19 Virüsü dünyanın her yerinde insanları tehdit ediyor. İnsanlar evlerinde karantina günleri yaşıyor.
Bir küçücük virüs insanlığı dize getirdi. Belki de insanoğlundan bu büyük sınavında uzun uzun düşünmesi isteniyor. Ben ne yapıyorum, nerede hata yaptım, bundan sonra kendime ve çevreme nasıl daha iyi bir insan olabilirim, vücudumu nasıl koruyabilirim gibi…
İnsanlık Corona sınavından geçerken, uzmanlar da vücudu ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmenin yol ve yöntemlerini anlatıyorlar her fırsatta. Yaşam boyu bağışıklığı güçlü tutmak hepimiz için önemli çünkü.
Biz de bu konudaki bilgilerin en önemlilerini derlemeye çalıştık. Bağışıklık nasıl bir şey, nasıl güçlenir, onu neler zayıflatır, ne yaparsak güçlendiririz, neler yiyip içmeliyiz?
Aslında “Bağışıklık” kelimesini hep duyuyoruz. Bağışıklık, bir mikrorganizmaya karşı vücudun direncidir. Vücudumuzun korunma kalkanıdır.
İçtiğimiz suda, yediğimiz yiyeceklerde, soluduğumuz havada gözümüzün göremeyeceği küçük canlılar vardır. Mikroorganizma denilen bu canlılar yararlı ya da zararlı olabilirler. Bizimle iç içedirler.
Vücudumuzun öyle güzel bir sistemi var ki, yabancı tüm bu organizmaları tanır, ayrıştırır ve zararlı gördüklerini savaşarak yok etmeye çalışır.
İnsanın doğumuyla birlikte aktif hale gelen bağışıklık sistemi çeşitli nedenlerle zayıflayınca hastalığa yakalanma riski de artar. Bağışıklık sistemindeki zayıflığı fırsat bilen virüs ve mikroplar vücuda akın eder. Sonuçta vücutta enfeksiyonlar gelişir.
İnsanoğlu aylardır büyük bir sınavdan geçiyor. Corona diğer adıyla Covid 19 Virüsü dünyanın her yerinde insanları tehdit ediyor. İnsanlar evlerinde karantina günleri yaşıyor.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.
Eğer sürekli hasta oluyor ve her zaman burun akıntısı ya da ateşle mücadele ediyorsanız, bağışıklık sisteminize dikkat etmeniz gerekir.
Hasta olmadan önlemi almak, vücudu güçlü tutmak en güzeli olsa gerek.
Bağışıklık sistemini
güçlendirmenin yolları;
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmek
Kaliteli uyku
Su içmek
Stresten uzaklaşmak
Kişisel temizlik
Düzenli spor, yürüyüş
Güneşten faydalanmak
Alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak
Gerekmedikçe fazla ilaç kullanmamak
Fazla kilolardan kurtulmak
Düzenli ve Dengeli Beslenme
Beslenmede en önemli kural aslında onu bunu şu kadar yemek yerine, herhangi bir alerjimiz ya da perhizimiz yoksa her şeyden, düzenli ve kararınca yemek.
Doğru ve dengeli beslenmeyi hayatımıza uygulamamız önemli… Şekeri ve tuzu azaltarak, her gün belirli ölçüde karbonhidrat, protein, sebze, meyve yiyerek doğru bir beslenme şekli oluşturabiliriz…
Kahvaltı Şart
Her sabah düzenli kahvaltı etmeyi ihmal etmemeliyiz. Yumurta, tereyağı, peynir, zeytin, tam tahıllı ekmek , bal, tahin pekmez ve yeşilliklerden oluşan bir kahvaltı oldukça besleyici ve koruyucudur.
Kaliteli Uyku
Uyku deyip geçmemek gerekiyor. Vücudumuzun önemli bir gıdası gibi düşünelim uykuyu. Yetişkinlerin günde 7 saat uyuması önemli. Bu rakam çocuk ve gençlerde daha fazla olmalı. Geceleyin karanlık ve rahat bir odada, bölünmeden uyumak bagisiklik sistemimiz için oldukça önemlidir.
Su Hayat Kaynağımız
Susuz kalmak bağışıklık sistemimize zarar verebilir. Vücudumuzun düzenli aralıklarla toksinleri dışarı atması, sağlıklı olabilmesi için suya ihtiyacı vardır. Uzmanlar sağlık ve bağışıklık için her gün yaklaşık 2-2,5 litre su içmemiz gerektiğini söylüyorlar. Su içemiyorum, demeyin, kendinizi bir şekilde düzenli su içmeye alıştırın.
Bağışıklığımızı güçlü kılmanın en önemli yollarından biri gerek vücudumuzu gerek yaşadığımız yeri, gerekse yediğimiz yiyecekleri temiz tutmakta geçiyor.
Bunun için zararlı kimyasallardan ziyade sirke, arap sabunu gibi doğal temizleyiciler kullanmanızda yarar var.
Temizlik konusunda en önemli ve temel şey, ellerimizi yıkamak ve temiz tutmaktır.
Özellikle dışarıdan gelince ellerinizi sabunlu suyla güzelce yıkayın.
Spor, Yürüyüş , Hareket
Sporu hayatımıza yerleştirmemiz şart. Ben yaşlıyım, hastayım, vaktim yok gibi bahaneler yerine şartlarınız neye uygunsa her gün ona göre biraz hareket yapın, vücudunuzu çalıştırın. Açık havada yarım saat yapacağınız yürüyüş size çok iyi gelecektir, deneyin, görün.
Bağışıklığımızı Güçlendirmek İçin Neler Yiyip İçmeliyiz?
Özellikle maydonoz, kuşburnu, yeşil biber, greyfurt, portakal, mandalina, limon,kivi, çilek, enginar , nar içlerindeki C vitamini açısından önemli yiyecekler.
Zeytinyağı, ceviz, badem, fındık gibi kuruyemişler E vitamini bakımından zengin.
Havuç, ıspanak,domates, brokoli, pırasa, bal kabağı gibi sebzeler ise A vitamini türevi olan beta karoten içerir.
Koyu kırmızı, yeşil, sarı renkli tüm meyve sebzeler bağışıklığı arttırıcı özelliğe sahip. Mümkün olduğunca tüketmeye çalışalım.
Omega 3 Yönünden Zengin Besinler
Somon, Sardalya, Ton, Uskumru balıkları; ceviz, badem, nohut, keten tohumu, kuş üzümü, yeşil yapraklı sebzelerde Omega 3 bulunur, dolayısıyla bol bol tüketmekte yarar var.
Uzmanlar haftada iki kez balık yemeyi özellikle öneriyorlar. Bunun yanı sıra haftada bir iki kırmızı et ve bol sebzeyi de ihmal etmeyin.Temizlik Temizlik Temizlik
Bitki Çayları
Yaz Kış VazgeçilmezimizDoktorunuz aksini söylemedikçe günde 1-2 fincan yeşil çay da bağışıklığı güçlendirici içecekler listesinde yer alıyor.
C Vitamini açısından zengin kuşburnu, soğuk kış günlerinin baş tacı ıhlamur ve papatya da bizi soğuk algınlığı gibi çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyacak güçlü bitkiler arasında.
Gün içinde boğazınızı nemli tutmak adına sık sık su içmenin yanında faydalı bitkilerin çaylarından yudumlamak iyi gelecektir. Tabii hazır poşet çaylar yerine doğrudan bitkileri demlemenizde fayda var.
Güçlü bağışıklık için düzenli sağlık kontrolleri yaptırarak vücudumuzun ihtiyac duyduğu vitamin ve mineralleri öğrenip, doktor tavsiyesiyle ilaç, vitamin takviyesi almak da bir önlem. Özellikle D vitamininize baktırıp eksikse tamamlamanız önemli.Ev Yapımı Yoğurt ve Kefiri Sofralarınızdan Eksik Etmeyin
Haftada iki üç defa her türlü bakliyat, her gün ev yapımı kefir, yoğurt, turşu tüketmek de bağışıklık sistemini güçlü tutmaya yardımcı.
Güçlü bir bağışıklık istiyorsak, soğan, sarımsak sofralarımızın vazgeçilmezi olmalı. Özellikle sarımsak, güçlü bir antioksidan etkiye sahiptir.
Aslında bize sunulan tüm yiyecekler ayrı ayrı önemli, şifalı, yeter ki kıymetini bilelim ve yeterince tüketelim.
Vücudumuz bize verilmiş en önemli emanet, ona iyi bakmak da bizim sorumluluğumuzda.
Sevdiklerinizle birlikte sağlıklı, uzun ve mutlu bir yaşam sürmeniz dileğiyle…
Shield That Protects
Our Body Against Diseases
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
A tiny virus brought humanity to heel. Perhaps humankind is asked to ruminate during this great test. What am I doing, where did I go wrong, how can I be a better person to myself and my environment, how can I protect my body …
As humankind passes the Corona exam, experts also describe ways and methods to strengthen the body and immune system at every opportunity. Keeping immunity strong throughout life is important to all of us.
We tried to compile the most important information on this subject. What is immunity, how does it strengthen, what weakens it, what shall we do for strengthening it, what should we eat and drink?
In fact, we always hear the word
“immunity”. Immunity is the body’s resistance to a microorganism. It is the protection shield of our body.
Humankind has been going through a big test for months. Corona alias Covid 19 Virus threatens people all over the world. People live quarantine days in their homes.
There are small creatures that our eyes cannot see in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. These creatures called microorganisms can be useful or harmful. They are living in our pocket.
Our body has such a beautiful system that recognizes, decomposes all these extraneous organisms and tries to destroy what they see harmful through fighting with them.
When the immune system, which becomes active with the birth of human, is weakened for various reasons, the risk of developing the disease also increases. Viruses and microbes flock to the body, making the immune system weak. As a result, infections develop in the body.
If you are constantly sick and always struggling with a runny nose or fever, you need to pay attention to your immune system. It is best to take precautions and keep the body strong without getting sick.
Methods to strengthen the immune system;
Proper and balanced diet
Quality sleep
Drinking water
Getting away from stress
Personal hygiene
Regular sport, walking
Taking advantage of the sun
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Not using too much medicine unless necessary
Getting rid of excess weight
Proper and Balanced Diet
In fact, the most important rule in nutrition is not to eat this and that this much, but if we do not have any allergies or diet, to eat regularly and reasonable.
It is important that we apply proper and balanced diet to our lives… By reducing sugar and salt, we can create a correct diet by eating a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits…
Breakfast is a must
We shouldn’t forget to have breakfast every morning regularly. A breakfast of eggs, butter, cheese, olives, whole grain bread, honey, tahini molasses and greens is quite nutritious and preservative.
Quality Sleep
It is not necessary to underrate the sleep. Let’s think of sleep as an important food of our body. It is important that adults sleep 7 hours a day. This figure should be higher in children and young people. A sleep without breaking at night will benefit our immunity.
Water, Our Life Source
Being dehydrated can damage our immune system. Our body needs water in order to keep the toxins out at regular intervals and to be healthy. Experts say we need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water every day for health and immunity. Don’t say “I cannot drink water”, try to get yourself accustomed to drinking water somehow.
Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning
One of the most important ways to strengthen our immunity is to keep our body, the place we live and the food we eat clean.
For this, it is beneficial to use natural cleaners such as vinegar and Arabic soap rather than harmful chemicals.
The most important and basic thing about cleaning is to wash our hands and keep them clean.
Wash your hands well with soapy water, especially when you come from the outside.
Sports, Walking, Movement
We have to put the sport in our lives. Instead of excuses such as I am old, sick, I do not have time, do a little exercise every day according to whatever your conditions are appropriate, and work out. A half hour walk in the open air will be very good for you, try and see.
What should we eat and drink to strengthen our immunity?
Especially parsley, rosehip, green pepper, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, artichoke, pomegranate are important foods in terms of vitamin C.
Olive oil, nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E.
Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, leeks, and winter squash contain beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative.
All fruits and vegetables with dark red, green and yellow color have immune-enhancing properties. Let’s try to consume as much as possible.
Foods Rich in Omega 3
Salmon, Sardine, Ton, Mackerel fish; Walnuts, almonds, chickpeas, flaxseeds, currants, green leafy vegetables contain Omega 3, so it is beneficial to consume plenty.
Experts especially recommend eating fish twice a week. In addition, do not neglect two red meat and plenty of vegetables a week.
Have Always Homemade Yogurt and Kefir on Your Table
Eating all kinds of legumes two to three times a week, homemade kefir, yogurt, pickles every day also helps to keep the immune system strong.
If we wish a strong immunity, onion and garlic should be essential for our tables. Garlic in particular has a strong antioxidant effect.
Herbal Teas are our Indispensable during Sommer and Winter
Unless your doctor says otherwise, 1-2 cups of green tea are included in the list of drinks that strengthen immunity.
Rosehip, rich in Vitamin C, lime and chamomile, are among the powerful plants that will protect us from various diseases such as colds during the cold winter days.
In addition to drinking water frequently to keep your throat moisty during the day, it will be good to sip tea from nutritious plants. Of course, it is useful to steep the herbs directly instead of using instant tea bags.
It is also a precaution to have regular health checks for strong immunity, in order to learn the vitamins and minerals that our body needs, and to take medications and vitamin supplements with the advice of a doctor. It is important to let to test your vitamin D and complete it if it is missing.
In fact, all the food offered to us is severally important and curative, as long as we know its worth and consume it enough.
Our body is the most important gift entrusted to us, and it is our responsibility to take good care of it.