Canlılar için yılın en zor mevsimi kış mevsimidir.

Çünkü kış mevsiminde ulaşım, beslenme,

ısınma, çalışma, barınma olanakları zorlaşır.

Yaşamı zorlaştıran nedenlerin baş sorumlusu soğuktur. Soğuktan korunmak için evlerde, iş yerlerinde sobalar, kaloriferler yakılır. Hava baca gazları ve egzoz gazları ile kirlenir.

İnsanların kış mevsimi boyunca suya ve neme olan ihtiyaçları artar. Bunun sebebi yağ bezlerinin kışın yavaş çalışmasıdır. Cildin hidrolipidik zarı (yağ-su zarı) cildi korumada zorlanır, su kaybetmeye başlar. Her insanın kış mevsimlerinde günde 2,5 litre su içmesi gerekir. Sigara, alkol kafeinli içecekler su ihtiyacını daha da arttırır vücut stresli, yorgun, bitkin hale gelir.

Hiçbir içecek suyun yerini tutamaz. Kişi su içerek cildine destek verdiği gibi dışardan da nemlendiricilerle yardımcı olmalıdır. Bu durumdan en çok rahatsız olanlar kuru ciltli kişilerdir.

Kişi su içerek cildine destek verdiği gibi dışardan da nemlendiricilerle yardımcı olmalıdır. Bu durumdan en çok rahatsız olanlar kuru ciltli kişilerdir. Kuru ciltlilerin önce ellerinin üstleri ve dudakları kuruyup çatlar.

People with dry skin should use creams containing intense moisture day and night. In summer, the sun burns and reddens our skin, and in winter, the cold does the same. The tops of the hands, face and wrists change color, turn red, sometimes flaky. The skin should be cleaned at night with cleaning milk containing moisture, and then apply night cream.


Prevent the lips from cracking and crusting. Use high moisturizing lipstick and high quality moisturizing. After applying moisturizer, massage along the entire lip line. If the lips have remained lipstick for a long time, after feeding the makeup cleaner to your lips, press it with a piece of cotton and clean it gently.

Apply moisturizing hand creams on your hands at night before going to bed and in the morning.

The tonic that will be used in the winter seasons should also be different from the tonic that you use in the summer. The tonic that you will use in winter should be softer, i.e. non-alcoholic or less alcoholic.

Some people, young or old, reduce or even forget to drink water in winter, so don’t do it.


One of the biggest problems of feet in winter is fungus. Fungi are caused by microscopic plants. Every person has fungi in their body, some beneficial, some harmful, that do not attract much attention, such as ash. In those who do not care about body cleanliness, these fungi get infected, infection begins. Athlete’s foot, ringworm-type diseases are caused by dermatophyte hair, nails and filamentous fungi that live in the dead outer layers of our skin.

Ringworm is more common in children, sometimes domestic cats and dogs, sometimes the well-cleaned scissors and combs of barbers spread the disease. Fungus is a problem that infects very quickly and is difficult to treat. Do not wear anyone’s slippers, shoes to take precautions, if the fungus has started, regularly apply creams and pomades containing salicylic acid and urea to your feet.

If your feet stay in Boots and top boots for a long time, apply fungicide spray, powder, foam inside before wearing boots and top boots.

People with dry skin should use creams containing intense moisture day and night. In summer, the sun burns and reddens our skin, and in winter, the cold does the same. The tops of the hands, face and wrists change color, turn red, sometimes flaky. The skin should be cleaned at night with cleaning milk containing moisture, and then apply night cream.


Prevent the lips from cracking and crusting. Use high moisturizing lipstick and high quality moisturizing. After applying moisturizer, massage along the entire lip line. If the lips have remained lipstick for a long time, after feeding the makeup cleaner to your lips, press it with a piece of cotton and clean it gently.

Apply moisturizing hand creams on your hands at night before going to bed and in the morning.

The tonic that will be used in the winter seasons should also be different from the tonic that you use in the summer. The tonic that you will use in winter should be softer, i.e. non-alcoholic or less alcoholic.

Some people, young or old, reduce or even forget to drink water in winter, so don’t do it.


One of the biggest problems of feet in winter is fungus. Fungi are caused by microscopic plants. Every person has fungi in their body, some beneficial, some harmful, that do not attract much attention, such as ash. In those who do not care about body cleanliness, these fungi get infected, infection begins. Athlete’s foot, ringworm-type diseases are caused by dermatophyte hair, nails and filamentous fungi that live in the dead outer layers of our skin.

Ringworm is more common in children, sometimes domestic cats and dogs, sometimes the well-cleaned scissors and combs of barbers spread the disease. Fungus is a problem that infects very quickly and is difficult to treat. Do not wear anyone’s slippers, shoes to take precautions, if the fungus has started, regularly apply creams and pomades containing salicylic acid and urea to your feet.

If your feet stay in Boots and top boots for a long time, apply fungicide spray, powder, foam inside before wearing boots and top boots.

Kuru ciltlilerin önce ellerinin üstleri ve dudakları kuruyup çatlar. Önlem alınmazsa kanama başlar.

Kuru ciltliler gece ve gündüz yoğun nem içeren kremler kullanmalıdır. Yazın güneş tenimizi nasıl yakıp, kızartıyorsa soğuk da benzerini kışın yapar. El üstleri, yüz ve bilekler renk değiştirir, kızarır, kimi zaman pul pul olur. Cilt geceleri nem içeren temizleme sütü ile temizlenip, sonra gece kremi sürülmelidir.

Dudakların çatlayıp, kabuk tutmasına engel olun. Nemlendirici oranı yüksek ruj ve kaliteli nemlendirici kullanın. Nemlendirici sürdükten sonra tüm dudak çizgisi boyunca masaj yapın. Dudaklar uzun zaman rujlu kalmışsa makyaj temizleyiciyi dudaklarınıza yedirdikten sonra, bir parça pamukla bastırılıp, hırpalamadan temizleyin.

Nemlendirici el kremlerini mutlaka gece yatmadan önce ve sabahları ellerinize sürün.

Kış mevsimlerinde kullanılacak toniğin de yazın kullandığınız tonikten farklı olması gerekir. Kışın kullanacağınız tonik daha yumuşak yani alkolsüz veya az alkollü olmalıdır.

Genç ya da yaşlı bazı insanlar kış mevsiminde su içmeyi azaltır hatta unuturlar siz sakın bunu yapmayın.


Kış mevsimlerinde ayakların en büyük sorunlarından biri mantardır. Mantarlara mikroskobik bitkiler sebep olur. Her insanın vücudunda kül gibi pek dikkat çekmeyen kimisi yararlı kimisi zararlı mantarlar vardır. Vücut temizliğine önem vermeyenlerde bu mantarlar mikrop kapar, enfeksiyon başlar. Atlet ayağı, saçkıran türü hastalıklara dermatofit denen saç, tırnak ve derimizin ölü dış tabakalarında yaşayan ipliksi mantarlar neden olur.

Saçkıran daha çok çocuklarda görülür bazen evcil kedi ve köpekler bazende berberlerin iyi temizlenmemiş makas ve tarakları hastalığı yayar. Mantar çok çabuk bulaşan ve tedavisi zor bir sorundur. Önlem almak için kimsenin terliğini, ayakkabısını giymeyin, mantar başladıysa ayaklarınıza düzenli olarak salisilik asit ve üre içeren krem ve pomatlar sürün.

Ayaklarınız uzun zaman bot ve çizme içinde kalıyorsa bot ve çizmenizi giymeden önce içlerine mantar öldürücü sprey, pudra, köpük sıkın.

For living things, the most difficult season of the year is winter.

Because in winter, transportation, nutrition, heating, working, housing opportunities become difficult.

The main reason of the causes that make life difficult is the cold. Stoves, heaters are burned in homes, workplaces to protect against cold. The air is contaminated with flue gases and exhaust gases.

People’s need for water and moisture increases during the winter season. The reason for this is that the sebaceous glands work slowly in winter. The hydrolypidic membrane of the skin (fat-water membrane) is forced to protect the skin, it begins to lose water. Every person should drink 2.5 liters of water per day during the winter seasons. Smoking, alcohol caffeinated drinks further increase the need for water the body becomes stressed, tired, exhausted. No drink can replace water. People should help their skin by drinking water, as well as with moisturizers from the outside. People with dry skin are the most uncomfortable with this condition. Dry skin first dries and cracks the tops of the hands and lips. If precautions are not taken, the bleeding will begin.

People with dry skin are the most uncomfortable with this condition. Dry skin first dries and cracks the tops of the hands and lips. If precautions are not taken, the bleeding will begin.

People with dry skin should use creams containing intense moisture day and night. In summer, the sun burns and reddens our skin, and in winter, the cold does the same. The tops of the hands, face and wrists change color, turn red, sometimes flaky. The skin should be cleaned at night with cleaning milk containing moisture, and then apply night cream.


Prevent the lips from cracking and crusting. Use high moisturizing lipstick and high quality moisturizing. After applying moisturizer, massage along the entire lip line. If the lips have remained lipstick for a long time, after feeding the makeup cleaner to your lips, press it with a piece of cotton and clean it gently.

Apply moisturizing hand creams on your hands at night before going to bed and in the morning.

The tonic that will be used in the winter seasons should also be different from the tonic that you use in the summer. The tonic that you will use in winter should be softer, i.e. non-alcoholic or less alcoholic.

Some people, young or old, reduce or even forget to drink water in winter, so don’t do it.


One of the biggest problems of feet in winter is fungus. Fungi are caused by microscopic plants. Every person has fungi in their body, some beneficial, some harmful, that do not attract much attention, such as ash. In those who do not care about body cleanliness, these fungi get infected, infection begins. Athlete’s foot, ringworm-type diseases are caused by dermatophyte hair, nails and filamentous fungi that live in the dead outer layers of our skin.

Ringworm is more common in children, sometimes domestic cats and dogs, sometimes the well-cleaned scissors and combs of barbers spread the disease. Fungus is a problem that infects very quickly and is difficult to treat. Do not wear anyone’s slippers, shoes to take precautions, if the fungus has started, regularly apply creams and pomades containing salicylic acid and urea to your feet.

If your feet stay in Boots and top boots for a long time, apply fungicide spray, powder, foam inside before wearing boots and top boots.

Kuru ciltlilerin önce ellerinin üstleri ve dudakları kuruyup çatlar. Önlem alınmazsa kanama başlar.

Kuru ciltliler gece ve gündüz yoğun nem içeren kremler kullanmalıdır. Yazın güneş tenimizi nasıl yakıp, kızartıyorsa soğuk da benzerini kışın yapar. El üstleri, yüz ve bilekler renk değiştirir, kızarır, kimi zaman pul pul olur. Cilt geceleri nem içeren temizleme sütü ile temizlenip, sonra gece kremi sürülmelidir.

Dudakların çatlayıp, kabuk tutmasına engel olun. Nemlendirici oranı yüksek ruj ve kaliteli nemlendirici kullanın. Nemlendirici sürdükten sonra tüm dudak çizgisi boyunca masaj yapın. Dudaklar uzun zaman rujlu kalmışsa makyaj temizleyiciyi dudaklarınıza yedirdikten sonra, bir parça pamukla bastırılıp, hırpalamadan temizleyin.

Nemlendirici el kremlerini mutlaka gece yatmadan önce ve sabahları ellerinize sürün.

Kış mevsimlerinde kullanılacak toniğin de yazın kullandığınız tonikten farklı olması gerekir. Kışın kullanacağınız tonik daha yumuşak yani alkolsüz veya az alkollü olmalıdır.

Genç ya da yaşlı bazı insanlar kış mevsiminde su içmeyi azaltır hatta unuturlar siz sakın bunu yapmayın.


Kış mevsimlerinde ayakların en büyük sorunlarından biri mantardır. Mantarlara mikroskobik bitkiler sebep olur. Her insanın vücudunda kül gibi pek dikkat çekmeyen kimisi yararlı kimisi zararlı mantarlar vardır. Vücut temizliğine önem vermeyenlerde bu mantarlar mikrop kapar, enfeksiyon başlar. Atlet ayağı, saçkıran türü hastalıklara dermatofit denen saç, tırnak ve derimizin ölü dış tabakalarında yaşayan ipliksi mantarlar neden olur.

Saçkıran daha çok çocuklarda görülür bazen evcil kedi ve köpekler bazende berberlerin iyi temizlenmemiş makas ve tarakları hastalığı yayar. Mantar çok çabuk bulaşan ve tedavisi zor bir sorundur. Önlem almak için kimsenin terliğini, ayakkabısını giymeyin, mantar başladıysa ayaklarınıza düzenli olarak salisilik asit ve üre içeren krem ve pomatlar sürün.

Ayaklarınız uzun zaman bot ve çizme içinde kalıyorsa bot ve çizmenizi giymeden önce içlerine mantar öldürücü sprey, pudra, köpük sıkın.

For living things, the most difficult season of the year is winter.

Because in winter, transportation, nutrition, heating, working, housing opportunities become difficult.

The main reason of the causes that make life difficult is the cold. Stoves, heaters are burned in homes, workplaces to protect against cold. The air is contaminated with flue gases and exhaust gases.

People’s need for water and moisture increases during the winter season. The reason for this is that the sebaceous glands work slowly in winter. The hydrolypidic membrane of the skin (fat-water membrane) is forced to protect the skin, it begins to lose water. Every person should drink 2.5 liters of water per day during the winter seasons. Smoking, alcohol caffeinated drinks further increase the need for water the body becomes stressed, tired, exhausted. No drink can replace water. People should help their skin by drinking water, as well as with moisturizers from the outside. People with dry skin are the most uncomfortable with this condition. Dry skin first dries and cracks the tops of the hands and lips. If precautions are not taken, the bleeding will begin.

People with dry skin are the most uncomfortable with this condition. Dry skin first dries and cracks the tops of the hands and lips. If precautions are not taken, the bleeding will begin.

People with dry skin should use creams containing intense moisture day and night. In summer, the sun burns and reddens our skin, and in winter, the cold does the same. The tops of the hands, face and wrists change color, turn red, sometimes flaky. The skin should be cleaned at night with cleaning milk containing moisture, and then apply night cream.


Prevent the lips from cracking and crusting. Use high moisturizing lipstick and high quality moisturizing. After applying moisturizer, massage along the entire lip line. If the lips have remained lipstick for a long time, after feeding the makeup cleaner to your lips, press it with a piece of cotton and clean it gently.

Apply moisturizing hand creams on your hands at night before going to bed and in the morning.

The tonic that will be used in the winter seasons should also be different from the tonic that you use in the summer. The tonic that you will use in winter should be softer, i.e. non-alcoholic or less alcoholic.

Some people, young or old, reduce or even forget to drink water in winter, so don’t do it.


One of the biggest problems of feet in winter is fungus. Fungi are caused by microscopic plants. Every person has fungi in their body, some beneficial, some harmful, that do not attract much attention, such as ash. In those who do not care about body cleanliness, these fungi get infected, infection begins. Athlete’s foot, ringworm-type diseases are caused by dermatophyte hair, nails and filamentous fungi that live in the dead outer layers of our skin.

Ringworm is more common in children, sometimes domestic cats and dogs, sometimes the well-cleaned scissors and combs of barbers spread the disease. Fungus is a problem that infects very quickly and is difficult to treat. Do not wear anyone’s slippers, shoes to take precautions, if the fungus has started, regularly apply creams and pomades containing salicylic acid and urea to your feet.

If your feet stay in Boots and top boots for a long time, apply fungicide spray, powder, foam inside before wearing boots and top boots.