IF Wedding’ten yeni tarih için ortak karar: 16-19 Kasım 2021
Moda ve ticaretin birleşimi IF Wedding Fashion İzmir’in 2021 yılını en verimli şekilde geçirebilmesi amacıyla değerlendirilen yeni tarih, oy çokluğu ile karara bağlandı.
30 Mart-2 Nisan tarihleri arasında hibrit olarak düzenlenmesi için tüm hazırlıkları tamamlanan 15. IF Wedding Fashion İzmir, sektörün talebine istinaden 16-19 Kasım 2021 tarihlerine ertelendi.
T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı himayelerinde, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi ev sahipliği ve Ege Giyim Sanayicileri Derneği partnerliğinde İZFAŞ tarafından düzenlenen IF Wedding Fashion İzmir – Gelinlik, Damatlık ve Abiye Giyim Fuarı için genişletilmiş danışma kurulu toplantısı yapıldı.
Toplantı; Ege Hazırgiyim ve Konfeksiyon İhracatçıları Birliği Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Burak Sertbaş, EGE Giyim Sanayicileri Derneği (EGSD) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Hayati Ertuğrul, İzmir Moda Tekstil Konfeksiyoncular Sitesi (MTK) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve İzmir Ticaret Odası (İZTO) Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
Abdullah Salkım, Mimar Kemalettin Moda Merkezi Derneği Başkanı İzzet Avcı ile İZFAŞ Genel Müdürü Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı başta olmak üzere 100 kişilik geniş bir katılımla gerçekleşti.
Moda ve ticaretin birleşimi IF Wedding Fashion İzmir’in 2021 yılını en verimli şekilde geçirebilmesi amacıyla değerlendirilen yeni tarih, oy çokluğu ile karara bağlandı.
Decided by the majority of votes
In the meeting held to convey the details of the fair whose preparations were completed to be held between March 30 and April 2, 2021, the industry advisory board expressed the concern that a sufficient number of visitors could not come due to pandemic conditions. Following the success of IF Wedding Fashion Izmir Fair, which has hosted 22 thousand 382 visitors from 103 countries in January 2020, by underlining the reason that the orders received last year were left in the hands of buyers as excess stock due to the fact that events and weddings could not be held all over the world, the issue of date was opened to discussion. Most of the participants, who took the floor in the expanded advisory board with a participation of 100 people, presented their opinions on the favor of postponing the fair via expressing their reasons. As a result of the meeting, a survey was conducted with 137 companies regarding the date of the fair. According to the result, it was decided by the majority of votes to postpone the 15th IF Wedding Fashion Izmir Fair to November 16-19, 2021.
“We are organizing the fair for the sector”
One of the biggest factors in postponing the fair, which turned into an international fashion festival last year and affected the first export figures of the year, was the fact that the European and Middle Eastern markets could not come to the fair. Stating that they have completed their preparations to make the fair in the most efficient way on the right date for the sector, İZFAŞ General Manager Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı said, “Our fair is a strong fair. It is a fair that is the carrier of the sector… I am sure that when we get rid of the pandemic, it will be a Fair with more international participation. Behind us is the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Therefore, we completed our preparations to make this fair by providing all the support in 2021, when the industry was in a very serious bottleneck, despite all the impossibilities. Most of our 137 participants in our industry are in favor of postponing the fair on the grounds that it will not be efficient. We thought we could achieve this in November when both the wedding dress and evening gown sectors could meet at a common point. Again, I would like to underline with the public responsibility given by being a municipal affiliate company that we are holding the fair for the sector.
Therefore, we need to hold our fair on the date when the sector will get the most efficiency and stop at the point where it will get the most efficiency”.
Strong incentives received for 2021
Stating that they have made great efforts to receive special incentives for 2021 in order to compensate for the damage of the sector from the pandemic, İZFAŞ General Manager said, “In order for our industry to get the maximum benefit from the fair that will take place in 2021, we prepared special design stands, whose costs are entirely undertaken by ourselves by taking into consideration of their demand. We added flight tickets to our Hosted Buyer program. Apart from that, we undertook the fashion parades. At the same time, we took on works for activities, decorations and advertising. We have a number of incentive agreements at the Ministries and KOSGEB level. We made purchases for the preparation of the fair, which cost significant amounts. I would like to express the necessity of this fair to be held in the 2021 calendar year”.
“It is our duty to hold a fully ready fair”
Underlining that it is not even possible for İZFAŞ to postpone the fair with its own decision, Alıcı said:
“In every step we take, we act in consultation with our industry and make decisions by always listening to the voice of the common mind. It is our duty to organize a fully prepared fair for the industry. This is not a profit-making company. A company that has the power to do anything by going beyond what the industry wants. We can go even beyond that. In line with your views, we are always open to fashion parades and fashion shows you want to organize, as well as the fair. We always have the opportunity to do this with our own location, our own operational strength and our own collaborations. Following the pandemic conditions, we can also organize
a visitor buyer delegation program especially for our companies in May, although not at the fair level. We will also work on this buyer delegation program to bring ready collections and customers together.
The heart of fashion is introduced to the world from Izmir
IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, Europe’s largest fair in its sector, brings together fashion and design lovers from all over the world every year. IF Wedding Fashion, which has managed to keep the sector dynamic with its fashion and design-oriented events, fashion shows and commercial agreements, introduces the qualified collections of Izmir and Turkey to the world. The 14th IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, the last sectoral fair of İZFAŞ organized physically in 2020, has become a breath for the sector by signing the last commercial agreements before the pandemic. 15. IF Wedding Fashion Izmir will be held on November 16-19, which is the best time for the sector with the power and incentives of İZFAŞ in 2021.
Oy çokluğu ile karar verildi
30 Mart-2 Nisan 2021 tarihleri arasında yapılmak üzere hazırlıkları tamamlanan fuara yönelik detayların aktarılması amacıyla yapılan toplantıda, sektör danışma kurulu pandemi koşullarından dolayı yeterli sayıda ziyaretçinin gelemeyeceği endişesini dile getirdi. 2020 Ocak ayında 103 ülkeden 22 bin 382 ziyaretçiyi ağırlayarak başarılı bir fuara imza atan IF Wedding Fashion İzmir Fuarı’nı takiben tüm dünyada etkinlik ve düğünlerin yapılamamasından dolayı geçen sene alınan siparişlerin stok fazlası olarak satın almacıların elinde kalması gerekçesi de öne sürülerek tarih konusu tartışmaya açıldı. 100 kişilik katılımla gerçekleşen genişletilmiş danışma kurulunda söz alan katılımcıların çoğu, gerekçelerini öne sürerek fuarın ertelenmesine ilişkin görüş bildirdi.
Toplantı sonucunda toplam 137 firma ile fuarın tarihine ilişkin anket yapıldı. Çıkan sonuca göre, 15. IF Wedding Fashion İzmir Fuarı’nın 16-19 Kasım 2021 tarihlerine ertelenmesine oy çokluğu ile karar verildi.
“Fuarı sektör için yapıyoruz”
Geçtiğimiz yıl uluslararası bir moda şölenine dönüşerek yılın ilk ihracat rakamlarına etki eden fuara, Avrupa ve Orta Doğu pazarının gelemeyecek olması, ertelenmesinin en büyük etkenlerden biri oldu. Sektör için en doğru tarihte fuarı en verimli şekilde yapmak üzere hazırlıklarını tamamlamadıklarını ifade eden İZFAŞ Genel Müdürü Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı, “Fuarımız güçlü bir fuar. Sektörün taşıyıcısı bir fuar…
Eminim ki pandemiden kurtulduğumuz zamanlarda çok daha fazla uluslararası katılımlı bir fuar olacak. Arkamızda İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi var. Dolayısıyla bu fuarı, sektörün çok ciddi dar boğazda olduğu 2021 yılında her türlü imkansızlığa rağmen tüm destekleri sağlayarak yapmak üzere hazırlıklarımızı tamamlamıştık. Sektörümüzdeki 137 katılımcımızın çoğu verim alınamayacağı gerekçesi ile fuarı ertelemekten yana. Hem gelinlik hem abiye sektörlerinin ortak noktada buluşabileceği Kasım ayında bunu gerçekleştirebileceğimizi düşündük. Tekrar belediye iştirak şirketi olmamızın verdiği kamusal sorumlulukla altını çizmek isterim ki, fuarı sektör için yapıyoruz. Dolayısıyla fuarımızı sektörün en çok verim alacağı tarihte yapıp en çok verim alacağı noktada durmamız lazım” dedi.
2021 yılı için güçlü teşvikler alındı
Sektörün pandemiden gördüğü zararı telafi etmek amacıyla 2021 yılına özel teşvikler alabilmek için büyük bir uğraş verdiklerini dile getiren İZFAŞ Genel Müdürü, “Sektörümüzün 2021 yılında gerçekleşecek fuardan maksimum fayda sağlayabilmesi için onların talebine kulak vererek maliyetlerini tamamen kendimizin üstlendiği özel tasarım stantları hazırladık. Hosted Buyer programımıza uçak biletlerini ekledik. Bunun dışında defileleri üstlendik. Aynı zamanda etkinlik, süslenme ve reklam çalışmalarını üzerimize aldık. Bakanlıklar ve KOSGEB düzeyinde yaptığımız bir takım teşvik anlaşmaları var. Fuarın hazırlanmasına ilişkin ciddi meblağlar tutan satın almalarımız gerçekleşti. 2021 takvim yılı içerisinde bu fuarın yapılması gerekliliğini ifade etmek istiyorum” şeklinde konuştu.
“Dört dörtlük fuar yapmak boynumuzun borcu”
İZFAŞ’ın fuarı kendi kararı ile ertelemesi gibi bir durum söz konusu dahi olmadığının altını çizen Alıcı, şunları kaydetti:
“Attığımız her adımda sektörümüze danışarak hareket edip, ortak aklın sesine her zaman kulak vererek kararlar alıyoruz. Dört dörtlük bir fuar yapmak da bizim sektöre olan boynumuzun borcu. Burası kar amacı güden bir şirket değil. Sektör ne istiyorsa ötesine geçerek her şeyi yapabilecek gücü olan bir şirket. Bunun ötesine de gidebiliriz. Sizlerin görüşleri doğrultusunda, fuarın yanı sıra düzenlemek istediğiniz defile ve moda şovlarına da her zaman açığız. Kendi yerimiz, kendi operasyonel gücümüz ve kendi iş birliklerimiz ile bunları yapma imkanımız her zaman var. Pandemi koşullarını takiben, Mayıs ayı için fuar düzeyinde olmasa da firmalarımıza özel bir ziyaretçi alım heyeti programı da düzenleyebiliriz. Hazır koleksiyonlar ve müşterileri bir araya getirmek için bu alım heyeti programı üzerine de ayrıca çalışacağız”
Modanın kalbi İzmir’den dünyaya tanıtılıyor
Sektöründe Avrupa’nın en büyük fuarı olan IF Wedding Fashion İzmir, her yıl dünyanın dört bir yanında moda ve tasarım tutkunlarını bir araya getiriyor. Moda ve tasarıma yön veren etkinlikleri, defileleri, ticari anlaşmaları ile sektörü dinamik tutmayı başaran IF Wedding Fashion, İzmir ve Türkiye’nin nitelikli koleksiyonlarını dünyaya tanıtıyor. İZFAŞ’ın 2020 yılında fiziksel olarak düzenlenen son sektörel fuarı olan 14. IF Wedding Fashion İzmir, pandemi öncesi son ticari anlaşmalara da imza atarak sektör için nefes olmuştu. 15. IF Wedding Fashion İzmir ise, 2021 yılında İZFAŞ’ın gücü ve teşvikleri ile sektör için en uygun zaman olan 16-19 Kasım tarihlerinde düzenlenecek.
The new date, which was considered for IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, the combination of fashion and trade, to spend the year 2021 most efficiently, was decided by the majority of votes.
The 15th IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, whose preparations were completed for the hybrid organization of the fair between March 30 and April 2, was postponed to November 16-19, 2021, based on the demand of the sector.
An expanded advisory board meeting was held for IF Wedding Fashion Izmir – Wedding Dresses, Suits and Evening Gowns Fair organized by İZFAŞ, hosted by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality under the auspices of the R.O.T. Ministry of Trade and in partnership with the Aegean Clothing Manufacturers’ Association. The meeting was held with a large participation of 100 people especially involving Burak Sertbaş, Chairman of the Aegean Ready-to-Wear and Apparel Exporters’ Association; Hayati Ertuğrul, Chairman of the Aegean Clothing Manufacturers’ Association (EGSD); Abdullah Salkım, Chairman of Izmir Fashion Textile Garments Site (MTK), and Member of the Board of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce (IZTO); İzzet Avcı, President of the Architect Kemalettin Fashion Center Association and Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı, General Manager of İZFAŞ .
The new date, which was considered for IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, the combination of fashion and trade, to spend the year 2021 most efficiently, was decided by the majority of votes.
Decided by the majority of votes
In the meeting held to convey the details of the fair whose preparations were completed to be held between March 30 and April 2, 2021, the industry advisory board expressed the concern that a sufficient number of visitors could not come due to pandemic conditions. Following the success of IF Wedding Fashion Izmir Fair, which has hosted 22 thousand 382 visitors from 103 countries in January 2020, by underlining the reason that the orders received last year were left in the hands of buyers as excess stock due to the fact that events and weddings could not be held all over the world, the issue of date was opened to discussion. Most of the participants, who took the floor in the expanded advisory board with a participation of 100 people, presented their opinions on the favor of postponing the fair via expressing their reasons. As a result of the meeting, a survey was conducted with 137 companies regarding the date of the fair. According to the result, it was decided by the majority of votes to postpone the 15th IF Wedding Fashion Izmir Fair to November 16-19, 2021.
“We are organizing the fair for the sector”
One of the biggest factors in postponing the fair, which turned into an international fashion festival last year and affected the first export figures of the year, was the fact that the European and Middle Eastern markets could not come to the fair. Stating that they have completed their preparations to make the fair in the most efficient way on the right date for the sector, İZFAŞ General Manager Canan Karaosmanoğlu Alıcı said, “Our fair is a strong fair. It is a fair that is the carrier of the sector… I am sure that when we get rid of the pandemic, it will be a Fair with more international participation. Behind us is the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Therefore, we completed our preparations to make this fair by providing all the support in 2021, when the industry was in a very serious bottleneck, despite all the impossibilities. Most of our 137 participants in our industry are in favor of postponing the fair on the grounds that it will not be efficient. We thought we could achieve this in November when both the wedding dress and evening gown sectors could meet at a common point. Again, I would like to underline with the public responsibility given by being a municipal affiliate company that we are holding the fair for the sector.
Therefore, we need to hold our fair on the date when the sector will get the most efficiency and stop at the point where it will get the most efficiency”.
Strong incentives received for 2021
Stating that they have made great efforts to receive special incentives for 2021 in order to compensate for the damage of the sector from the pandemic, İZFAŞ General Manager said, “In order for our industry to get the maximum benefit from the fair that will take place in 2021, we prepared special design stands, whose costs are entirely undertaken by ourselves by taking into consideration of their demand. We added flight tickets to our Hosted Buyer program. Apart from that, we undertook the fashion parades. At the same time, we took on works for activities, decorations and advertising. We have a number of incentive agreements at the Ministries and KOSGEB level. We made purchases for the preparation of the fair, which cost significant amounts. I would like to express the necessity of this fair to be held in the 2021 calendar year”.
“It is our duty to hold a fully ready fair”
Underlining that it is not even possible for İZFAŞ to postpone the fair with its own decision, Alıcı said:
“In every step we take, we act in consultation with our industry and make decisions by always listening to the voice of the common mind. It is our duty to organize a fully prepared fair for the industry. This is not a profit-making company. A company that has the power to do anything by going beyond what the industry wants. We can go even beyond that. In line with your views, we are always open to fashion parades and fashion shows you want to organize, as well as the fair. We always have the opportunity to do this with our own location, our own operational strength and our own collaborations. Following the pandemic conditions, we can also organize
a visitor buyer delegation program especially for our companies in May, although not at the fair level. We will also work on this buyer delegation program to bring ready collections and customers together.
The heart of fashion is introduced to the world from Izmir
IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, Europe’s largest fair in its sector, brings together fashion and design lovers from all over the world every year. IF Wedding Fashion, which has managed to keep the sector dynamic with its fashion and design-oriented events, fashion shows and commercial agreements, introduces the qualified collections of Izmir and Turkey to the world. The 14th IF Wedding Fashion Izmir, the last sectoral fair of İZFAŞ organized physically in 2020, has become a breath for the sector by signing the last commercial agreements before the pandemic. 15. IF Wedding Fashion Izmir will be held on November 16-19, which is the best time for the sector with the power and incentives of İZFAŞ in 2021.