ABD ile Rusya uzay savaşlarında üstünlük sağlamak için milyarlarca dolar harcarken yaşlı ve güzel dünyamız durup dinlenmeden sinyaller vererek insanları israfa ve açlığa karşı uyarıyor: “Havanızı, suyunuzu, topraklarınızı koruyun, kirletmeyin, elinizdekilerin değerini bilin” diyor. Ama dinleyen, anlayan kim? İnsanlar hoyratça bir yarışa çıkmış, yağma devam ediyor.

Meteoroloji Türkiye’de 2020 yılının eylül ayında son 50 yılın en sıcak eylül ayının yaşandığını, sıcaklığın 23,9 C’ye çıktığını bildiriyor.

Faylar, dereler, göller kurutuluyor, Kırıkkale ve İzmir’de sahte içkiden ölenlerin sayısı 50 kişiyi buluyor.

Dünya Gıda Fonu dünyada 821 milyon kişinin açlıkla boğuştuğunu, 135 milyon kişinin açlık ve kıtlıkla yüz yüze yaşadığını duyuruyor.

Öte yandan dünyanın korkulu rüyası haline gelen koronavirüse bir de grip korkusu eklendi.

Uzmanlar bu yıl aşıların çok daha önem kazandığını, özellikle grip aşısının her yıl yaptırılmasını öneriyorlar. Önerdikleri diğer aşı zatürre aşısı. Zatürre aşısının mevsimi olmadığını, her zaman yaptırılabileceğini belirtiyorlar.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Taşbakan konuyu şöyle açıklıyor: “Zatürre aşısı koronavirüsü engellemiyor. İnsanlar koronavirüs zatürre yaptığına göre zatürre aşısı yaptıran koronadan korunur sanıyorlar. Bu düşünce yanlıştır. Zatürre aşısı koronaya karşı koruyucu değil. Çünkü zatürre aşısı virüslerle değil, bakterilerle ortaya çıkan zatürreyi engeller. Koronavirüsün neden olduğu zatürre farklı bir zatürredir.”

Öte yandan dünyanın korkulu rüyası haline gelen koronavirüse bir de grip korkusu eklendi. 

That thought is wrong. The pneumonia vaccine is not protective against the corona. Because the pneumonia vaccine prevents pneumonia that occurs not with viruses, but with bacteria. Pneumonia caused by coronavirus is a different type of pneumonia.”

Take Flu Seriously

According to experts, like corona, the flu needs to be taken seriously. In both diseases, it is very important that the person’s immune system is strong or weak.

Good nutrition, staying outdoors and sleep at night are very important in strengthening the immune system. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Oncologist Dr. Yavuz Dizdar says: “the body does its construction and repair work at night. For this reason, we call it the “biological clock” because we do not know exactly the day-night separation.

Melatomin and growth hormone are secreted in the night cycle. They start the renovation and construction. If a person lives like a day when it is night, it disrupts and surprises the system. No matter how much he/she sleeps this time, he/she is tired and sleepless during the day.”

Cardiologist Prof. Dr. Halil Ibrahim Bildirici alerted coronavirus patients to the risk of heart attack within the first 7 days. According to the expert, the corona causes serious heart problems. As the disease progresses, heart damage, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pains, palpitations increase.

Prof. Dr. Bildirici urges patients to eat unsalted, fat-free diets. His suggestion is that patients should eat plenty of fiber, Omega-3 cereal products and give weight to plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Recent warnings from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu. Prof Muftuoglu says; “Change the mask that gets wet from the rain quickly because it does not protect. ”

Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu reminding that the masks we use are the best known protection against coronavirus for now has explained that the same masks would also protect people from the flu, and we should take the issue of wearing masks more seriously.

Another warning from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu is about the ventilation of our homes and workplaces.

Prof. Muftuoglu says that we need to open the windows of our homes, offices, schools where we spend a long time at least 2-3 times a day and air the environment for 15-30 minutes.

That thought is wrong. The pneumonia vaccine is not protective against the corona. Because the pneumonia vaccine prevents pneumonia that occurs not with viruses, but with bacteria. Pneumonia caused by coronavirus is a different type of pneumonia.”

Take Flu Seriously

According to experts, like corona, the flu needs to be taken seriously. In both diseases, it is very important that the person’s immune system is strong or weak.

Good nutrition, staying outdoors and sleep at night are very important in strengthening the immune system. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Oncologist Dr. Yavuz Dizdar says: “the body does its construction and repair work at night. For this reason, we call it the “biological clock” because we do not know exactly the day-night separation.

Melatomin and growth hormone are secreted in the night cycle. They start the renovation and construction. If a person lives like a day when it is night, it disrupts and surprises the system. No matter how much he/she sleeps this time, he/she is tired and sleepless during the day.”

Cardiologist Prof. Dr. Halil Ibrahim Bildirici alerted coronavirus patients to the risk of heart attack within the first 7 days. According to the expert, the corona causes serious heart problems. As the disease progresses, heart damage, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pains, palpitations increase.

Prof. Dr. Bildirici urges patients to eat unsalted, fat-free diets. His suggestion is that patients should eat plenty of fiber, Omega-3 cereal products and give weight to plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Recent warnings from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu. Prof Muftuoglu says; “Change the mask that gets wet from the rain quickly because it does not protect. ”

Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu reminding that the masks we use are the best known protection against coronavirus for now has explained that the same masks would also protect people from the flu, and we should take the issue of wearing masks more seriously.

Another warning from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu is about the ventilation of our homes and workplaces.

Prof. Muftuoglu says that we need to open the windows of our homes, offices, schools where we spend a long time at least 2-3 times a day and air the environment for 15-30 minutes.

Ciddiye Alın

Uzmanlara göre korona gibi gribi de ciddiye almak gerekiyor. Her iki hastalıkta da kişinin bağışıklık sisteminin güçlü ya da zayıf oluşu çok önemli.

Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmede iyi beslenme, açık havada kalma ve hareket birde gece uykusu çok önemlidir. Bunlara ek olarak alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak gelir.

Onkolog Dr. Yavuz Dizdar şöyle anlatır: “ Vücut yapım ve onarım işlerini gece yapar. Bunun için gündüz-gece ayrımını tam olarak bilmediğimiz için biz buna “biyolojik saat” diyoruz.

Gece döngüsünde melatomin ve büyüme hormonu salgılanır. Yenileme ve yapımı bunlar başlatır. Kişi gece olunca gündüz gibi yaşamını sürdürürse sistemi bozar ve şaşırtır. Bu kez ne kadar uyursa uyusun gündüz yorgun ve uykusuz kalır.”

Kardiyoloji Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Bildirici ise koronavirüs hastalarını ilk 7 gün içinde kalp krizi riskine karşı uyardı. Uzmana göre korona ciddi kalp sorunlarına neden oluyor. Hastalık ilerledikçe kalp hasarı, ritim bozukluğu, nefes darlığı, göğüs ağrıları, çarpıntı artıyor.









Prof. Dr. Bildirici hastaları tuzsuz, yağsız beslenmeye çağırıyor. Önerisi hastaların bol lifli, Omega-3’lü tahıl ürünleri ile beslenip, bol sebze ve meyveye ağırlık vermeleri.

Son uyarılar Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu’ndan. Prof. Müftüoğlu “yağmurdan ıslanan maskeyi süratle değiştirin çünkü işe yaramaz” diyor.

Şimdilik koronavirüsten korunmada bilinen en iyi koruyucunun kullandığımız maskeler olduğunun artık kanıtlandığını hatırlatan Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu aynı maskelerin insanları gripden de koruyacağını, maske takma konusunu daha ciddiye almamız gerektiğini açıkladı.

Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu’nun bir başka uyarısı evlerimizin, iş yerlerimizin havalandırılması ile ilgili.

Prof. Müftüoğlu uzun zaman geçirdiğimiz evlerimizin, ofislerimizin, okullarımızın pencerelerini günde en az 2-3 defa açıp, ortamı 15-30 dakika havalandırmamız gerekiyor.

As the United States and Russia spend billions of dollars to excel in space wars, our old and beautiful world warns people against waste and hunger by giving signals without stopping and resting by saying: “protect your air, water, land, do not pollute, know the value of what you have”. But who listens, understands? People are in a rough race, and the looting continues.

Meteorology reports that Turkey experienced the hottest September in 50 years in September 2020, with the temperature rising to 23.9 C.

Faults, creeks, lakes are being dried up, the number of people who died from fake alcohol in Kırıkkale and Izmir is 50 people.

The World Food Fund announces that 821 million people in the world are struggling with hunger, and 135 million people are living face to face with hunger and famine.

On the other hand, a fear of the flu has been added to the coronavirus, which has become the world’s fearful dream.

Experts recommend that vaccines become much more important this year, especially the flu vaccine should be made every year. The other vaccine they recommend is the pneumonia vaccine. They note that the pneumonia vaccine will not be made especially in one season, it can be made at any time.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Taşbakan explains:

“The pneumonia vaccine does not prevent coronavirus. People think coronavirus pneumonia is protected from the coronavirus vaccine.

On the other hand, a fear of the flu has been added to the coronavirus, which has become the world’s fearful dream.

That thought is wrong. The pneumonia vaccine is not protective against the corona. Because the pneumonia vaccine prevents pneumonia that occurs not with viruses, but with bacteria. Pneumonia caused by coronavirus is a different type of pneumonia.”

Take Flu Seriously

According to experts, like corona, the flu needs to be taken seriously. In both diseases, it is very important that the person’s immune system is strong or weak.

Good nutrition, staying outdoors and sleep at night are very important in strengthening the immune system. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Oncologist Dr. Yavuz Dizdar says: “the body does its construction and repair work at night. For this reason, we call it the “biological clock” because we do not know exactly the day-night separation.

Melatomin and growth hormone are secreted in the night cycle. They start the renovation and construction. If a person lives like a day when it is night, it disrupts and surprises the system. No matter how much he/she sleeps this time, he/she is tired and sleepless during the day.”

Cardiologist Prof. Dr. Halil Ibrahim Bildirici alerted coronavirus patients to the risk of heart attack within the first 7 days. According to the expert, the corona causes serious heart problems. As the disease progresses, heart damage, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pains, palpitations increase.

Prof. Dr. Bildirici urges patients to eat unsalted, fat-free diets. His suggestion is that patients should eat plenty of fiber, Omega-3 cereal products and give weight to plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Recent warnings from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu. Prof Muftuoglu says; “Change the mask that gets wet from the rain quickly because it does not protect. ”

Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu reminding that the masks we use are the best known protection against coronavirus for now has explained that the same masks would also protect people from the flu, and we should take the issue of wearing masks more seriously.

Another warning from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu is about the ventilation of our homes and workplaces.

Prof. Muftuoglu says that we need to open the windows of our homes, offices, schools where we spend a long time at least 2-3 times a day and air the environment for 15-30 minutes.

Ciddiye Alın

Uzmanlara göre korona gibi gribi de ciddiye almak gerekiyor. Her iki hastalıkta da kişinin bağışıklık sisteminin güçlü ya da zayıf oluşu çok önemli.

Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmede iyi beslenme, açık havada kalma ve hareket birde gece uykusu çok önemlidir. Bunlara ek olarak alkol ve sigaradan uzak durmak gelir.

Onkolog Dr. Yavuz Dizdar şöyle anlatır: “ Vücut yapım ve onarım işlerini gece yapar. Bunun için gündüz-gece ayrımını tam olarak bilmediğimiz için biz buna “biyolojik saat” diyoruz.

Gece döngüsünde melatomin ve büyüme hormonu salgılanır. Yenileme ve yapımı bunlar başlatır. Kişi gece olunca gündüz gibi yaşamını sürdürürse sistemi bozar ve şaşırtır. Bu kez ne kadar uyursa uyusun gündüz yorgun ve uykusuz kalır.”

Kardiyoloji Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Bildirici ise koronavirüs hastalarını ilk 7 gün içinde kalp krizi riskine karşı uyardı. Uzmana göre korona ciddi kalp sorunlarına neden oluyor. Hastalık ilerledikçe kalp hasarı, ritim bozukluğu, nefes darlığı, göğüs ağrıları, çarpıntı artıyor.









Prof. Dr. Bildirici hastaları tuzsuz, yağsız beslenmeye çağırıyor. Önerisi hastaların bol lifli, Omega-3’lü tahıl ürünleri ile beslenip, bol sebze ve meyveye ağırlık vermeleri.

Son uyarılar Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu’ndan. Prof. Müftüoğlu “yağmurdan ıslanan maskeyi süratle değiştirin çünkü işe yaramaz” diyor.

Şimdilik koronavirüsten korunmada bilinen en iyi koruyucunun kullandığımız maskeler olduğunun artık kanıtlandığını hatırlatan Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu aynı maskelerin insanları gripden de koruyacağını, maske takma konusunu daha ciddiye almamız gerektiğini açıkladı.

Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu’nun bir başka uyarısı evlerimizin, iş yerlerimizin havalandırılması ile ilgili.

Prof. Müftüoğlu uzun zaman geçirdiğimiz evlerimizin, ofislerimizin, okullarımızın pencerelerini günde en az 2-3 defa açıp, ortamı 15-30 dakika havalandırmamız gerekiyor.

As the United States and Russia spend billions of dollars to excel in space wars, our old and beautiful world warns people against waste and hunger by giving signals without stopping and resting by saying: “protect your air, water, land, do not pollute, know the value of what you have”. But who listens, understands? People are in a rough race, and the looting continues.

Meteorology reports that Turkey experienced the hottest September in 50 years in September 2020, with the temperature rising to 23.9 C.

Faults, creeks, lakes are being dried up, the number of people who died from fake alcohol in Kırıkkale and Izmir is 50 people.

The World Food Fund announces that 821 million people in the world are struggling with hunger, and 135 million people are living face to face with hunger and famine.

On the other hand, a fear of the flu has been added to the coronavirus, which has become the world’s fearful dream.

Experts recommend that vaccines become much more important this year, especially the flu vaccine should be made every year. The other vaccine they recommend is the pneumonia vaccine. They note that the pneumonia vaccine will not be made especially in one season, it can be made at any time.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sezai Taşbakan explains:

“The pneumonia vaccine does not prevent coronavirus. People think coronavirus pneumonia is protected from the coronavirus vaccine.

On the other hand, a fear of the flu has been added to the coronavirus, which has become the world’s fearful dream.

That thought is wrong. The pneumonia vaccine is not protective against the corona. Because the pneumonia vaccine prevents pneumonia that occurs not with viruses, but with bacteria. Pneumonia caused by coronavirus is a different type of pneumonia.”

Take Flu Seriously

According to experts, like corona, the flu needs to be taken seriously. In both diseases, it is very important that the person’s immune system is strong or weak.

Good nutrition, staying outdoors and sleep at night are very important in strengthening the immune system. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Oncologist Dr. Yavuz Dizdar says: “the body does its construction and repair work at night. For this reason, we call it the “biological clock” because we do not know exactly the day-night separation.

Melatomin and growth hormone are secreted in the night cycle. They start the renovation and construction. If a person lives like a day when it is night, it disrupts and surprises the system. No matter how much he/she sleeps this time, he/she is tired and sleepless during the day.”

Cardiologist Prof. Dr. Halil Ibrahim Bildirici alerted coronavirus patients to the risk of heart attack within the first 7 days. According to the expert, the corona causes serious heart problems. As the disease progresses, heart damage, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pains, palpitations increase.

Prof. Dr. Bildirici urges patients to eat unsalted, fat-free diets. His suggestion is that patients should eat plenty of fiber, Omega-3 cereal products and give weight to plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Recent warnings from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu. Prof Muftuoglu says; “Change the mask that gets wet from the rain quickly because it does not protect. ”

Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu reminding that the masks we use are the best known protection against coronavirus for now has explained that the same masks would also protect people from the flu, and we should take the issue of wearing masks more seriously.

Another warning from Prof. Dr. Osman Muftuoglu is about the ventilation of our homes and workplaces.

Prof. Muftuoglu says that we need to open the windows of our homes, offices, schools where we spend a long time at least 2-3 times a day and air the environment for 15-30 minutes.