2013 yılından 2020 yılına kadar Miss Bellini markasıyla İzmir’de gelinlik imalatı yapan Muhterem Sercan, yılların birikim ve tecrübesiyle yeni bir oluşuma imza attı.

Sercanlar Gelinlik olarak yeni firmasını kuran Muhterem Sercan, Rasheel Wedding Dress markasıyla Mimar Kemalettin … Sokak’ta yer alan 3 katlı binada toptan ve perakendeye yönelik gelinlik imalatına başladı.

Rasheel Wedding Dress, iç piyasa ve Arap pazarına yönelik ürünleri de yelpazesinde bulundurmakla beraber özellikle Avrupa pazarını hedefliyor.

İlerleyen günlerde Avrupa fuarlarında katılımcı olmakla alakalı girişimlerini başlatan Muhterem Sercan, “Geçmişten bu yana bizim genel kitlemiz hep Avrupa oldu. Rasheel markasıyla da başarılı bir giriş yapıp, bir süre sonra Rasheel Wedding Dress’in idaresini tamamen oğlum Serhat Sercan ve gelinim Tuğçe Hanım’a bırakmayı hedefliyorum.“ dedi.

Biz de tüm Sercan ailesine başarılar diliyoruz.

İlerleyen günlerde Avrupa fuarlarında katılımcı olmakla alakalı girişimlerini başlatan Muhterem Sercan, “Geçmişten bu yana bizim genel kitlemiz hep Avrupa oldu. Rasheel markasıyla da başarılı bir giriş yapıp, bir süre sonra Rasheel Wedding Dress’in idaresini tamamen oğlum Serhat Sercan ve gelinim Tuğçe Hanım’a bırakmayı hedefliyorum.“ dedi.




Muhterem Sercan, who has been manufacturing wedding dresses in İzmir under the brand of Miss Bellini from 2013 to 2020, has signed a new formation with years of experience and knowledge.

Muhterem Sercan started to manufacture wedding dresses for wholesale and retail in a 3-storey building on Mimar Kemalettin … Street with the brand of Rasheel Wedding Dress through establishing his new company with the name Sercanlar Gelinlik.

While Rasheel Wedding Dress includes products for the domestic and Arab markets, and it especially targets the European market.

Muhterem Sercan, who started his initiatives to participate in European fairs in the following days, said, “Since the past, our general audience has always been Europe. I aim to make a successful entry with the Rasheel brand and leave the management of Rasheel Wedding Dress completely to my son Serhat Sercan and my bride Tuğçe.”

We wish success to the entire Sercan family

Muhterem Sercan, who started his initiatives to participate in European fairs in the following days, said, “Since the past, our general audience has always been Europe. I aim to make a successful entry with the Rasheel brand and leave the management of Rasheel Wedding Dress completely to my son Serhat Sercan and my bride Tuğçe.”



Muhterem Sercan, who has been manufacturing wedding dresses in İzmir under the brand of Miss Bellini from 2013 to 2020, has signed a new formation with years of experience and knowledge.

Muhterem Sercan started to manufacture wedding dresses for wholesale and retail in a 3-storey building on Mimar Kemalettin … Street with the brand of Rasheel Wedding Dress through establishing his new company with the name Sercanlar Gelinlik.

While Rasheel Wedding Dress includes products for the domestic and Arab markets, and it especially targets the European market.

Muhterem Sercan, who started his initiatives to participate in European fairs in the following days, said, “Since the past, our general audience has always been Europe. I aim to make a successful entry with the Rasheel brand and leave the management of Rasheel Wedding Dress completely to my son Serhat Sercan and my bride Tuğçe.”

We wish success to the entire Sercan family

Muhterem Sercan, who started his initiatives to participate in European fairs in the following days, said, “Since the past, our general audience has always been Europe. I aim to make a successful entry with the Rasheel brand and leave the management of Rasheel Wedding Dress completely to my son Serhat Sercan and my bride Tuğçe.”