Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’le tanışmam, ilkokula başladığım yıl olmuştu. Okul koridorundaki büyük boy fotoğrafını görünce önünde durup uzun uzun incelemiştim. Çocukluğumun eski sayfalarında kalan o Atatürk fotoğrafı, hâlâ hafızamda tüm tazeliğiyle durur. Başında bir kalpak, üniformalı, elinde dürbünü, bakışları keskin, mağrur, haşmetli bir Atatürk portresi…

Zil çalıp teneffüse çıktığımda, sonra tekrar sınıfa girerken Atatürk’ün o fotoğrafı sanki sessiz sözsüz çağırırdı beni.

Önünden geçerken bir anda durur, tek tek tüm detaylarını incelerdim çocuk gözümle. Bu durum bir hayli devam etti. Sonraki dönemlerde Ona olan hayranlığım hayat hikâyesini kitaplardan öğrenmemle, öğretmenimden dinlediklerimle arttı.

Annesini, babasını, küçük yaşta yetim kalışını, gittiği okulları… Bir müddet dayısının yanında kaldığını…

Benim yaş grubumdakiler O’nun dayısının çiftliğinde karga kovalama hikâyesini çok iyi hatırlarlar. Küçük Mustafa’nın karga kovalarken çizilmiş resmi uzun süre ilkokul kitaplarımızda yer aldı.

Zaman içinde bir bir katıldığı savaşları, tarihlerini öğrendik. Hatta tek tek ezberledik.

Özlü sözleri hafızalarımıza kazındı.

Ve daha yüzlerce özlü sözünü okuduk Atatürk’ün. Hemen her konuda incelikle kurulmuş cümleleri vardı. Her birini ne zaman okusak, haklı olduğunu gördük.

Milli Bayramlarımızda Atatürk’ü O’na en yakışır şekilde andık. O’nu anlatan şiirler, yazılar okuduk.

Her 10 Kasım’da içimizi bir hüzün kapladı. Üzüldük, ağladık hatta. Ölüm saati olan 9’u 5 geçe milletçe elimizdeki işi gücü bırakıp, olduğumuz yerde saygı duruşuna geçerek, sessizce andık Atamızı.

Atatürk bizim bitmeyen sevdamızdı

Çocuk aklımızla “Düşmanı yurttan kovdu, Cumhuriyeti kurdu, bize bu yurdu verdi. “ dedik her seferinde.

Hâlâ da diyoruz ve Onu en güzel şekilde anmaya çalışıyoruz.

Sanki son yıllarda Mustafa Kemal’i daha iyi anlamaya ve tanımaya başladık.

Şimdilerde, gerçek mânâda nasıl özel bir insan olduğunun daha çok farkındayız.

Adeta bu millet için seçilmiş bir insan olduğunu… Ne kadar çok yönlü olduğunu…

Başkumandan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Her şeyden önce çok iyi, ileri görüşlü bir asker, Başkumandan Mustafa Kemal…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider



“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk



Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk



Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Onca savaşı, insanı, ustalıkla, ileri görüşlülükle idare etmek, kazanmak; ardından da bir ülkeyi yoktan var etmek her insanın yapabileceği bir iş değil…

Savaşta da barışta da düşmanlarının saygı duyduğu bir lider

Güçlü, çalışkan, gururlu, kararlı, planlı, akıllı, sevecen, saygılı, görgülü, beyefendi, vatanına sevdalı, çelik gibi iradeli bir lider…

Bir yandan savaşları yönetirken, diğer yandan ülkesinin tüm ihtiyaçlarını bir bir saptayıp; savaş sonrasında yapılması gerekenleri uygulamaya koymuş.

Yeni Türk Cumhuriyeti’ni adım adım, ilmek ilmek inşa etmiş

Türk tarımını, ekonomisini, sanayisini, eğitimini, adalet sistemini, sağlık sistemini, savunmasını hepsini tek tek düşünüp, gerekli kurum ve kuruluşları oluşturmuş:

Kâğıt, kumaş, şeker, silah, uçak, demir-çelik, cam fabrikaları…

Türk Dil Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Türk Hava Kurumu, Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu …

Okullar, üniversiteler, hastaneler, tarım kooperatifleri…

Yeni bir ülke için gereken tüm kurumlar… Her birini özenle, araştırarak, bin bir emekle kurmuş.
Bir milletin yoktan nasıl var edileceğini en güzel, detaylı şekliyle bizlere göstermiş.

Unesco tarafından “yüzyılın lideri” ünvanı verilen Atatürk’ün daha o kadar güzel özellikleri var ki…

Her şartta oldukça şık ve bakımlı giyinirmiş mesela. Elbiselerini kendisi tasarlarmış.

Her bir fotoğrafında şık, karizmatik, özenli görürüz Onu.

Ata binmeyi, yüzmeyi, okumayı çok severmiş

Atatürk, cephede bile fırsat buldukça okurmuş. Yaklaşık 4000 kitap, dile kolay…

Anıtkabir’de sergilenen kitapları görüyoruz ki altını çize çize okumuş…

Bir sohbetinde “Ben çocukken fakirdim. Elime iki kuruş geçince bunun bir kuruşunu kitaba verirdim. Eğer böyle olmasaydım, bu yaptıklarımın hiç birisini yapamazdım.” Der bu değerli insan…

Onca işinin arasında 14 tane de kitap yazmış.

Geometri, Medeni Bilgiler, Bölüğün Muharebe Eğitimi…

Açı, açıortay, alan, artı, beşgen, üçgen, çember ve daha birçok matematik terimini Türkçemize kazandırmış.

Bildiği yabancı diller

Atatürk, okuma-yazmaya tutkulu olduğu gibi, yabancı diller konusunda da ustaydı.

Fransızca’yı yazıp, konuşabilir; Almanca’yı ise anlar ama pek konuşmazdı. Farsça ve Arapça’yı mükemmel derecede bilirdi.

Ağaçları, doğayı, hayvanları çok severdi

Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında bugünkü Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin olduğu arazinin çoğunluğu bataklıkmış. Atatürk kendisi de çalışarak bu arazinin ağaçlandırılmasını, çok güzel bir çiftliğe dönüşmesini sağlamış.

Dünyada o yıllarda bir ağacı kestirmemek için koca binayı kızaklarla yana çektiren başka bir lider duydunuz mu hiç? Yoktur zaten…

Yürüyen Köşk

Yalova’daki çiftlikte bir binanın yanındaki çınar ağacının kesileceğini öğrenince buna engel olur ve ağacı kestirmez. Bunun üzerine binanın çevresi kazılır ve raylar döşenerek koca bina ağaçtan uzağa çekilir…

O binanın adı “Yürüyen Köşk” olarak anılır. Böylesine ağaç ve yeşil sevdalısı bir liderin ağaç sevgisini tarih böyle yazar…

Kadınlara, çocuk ve gençlere değer veren lider

Atatürk, çocukları, gençleri ayrı severdi. Onları önemser, ülkenin geleceği olarak görürdü. Öyle ki iki büyük kıymetli bayram hediye etti onlara…

23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, 19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma ve Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı…

Dünyada kadınlara yeterince değer verilmezken; onların siyasetten, eğitime, hayatın her alanında yer alması için elinden geleni yapan bir liderdi bizim Atatürkümüz.

Yaşamın içinde gece gündüz çalışırken, tüm bunlara zaman ayırabilmeyi başarabilmiş.

Kısacık ömrüne koca bir devleti kurmayı sığdırmış.

Milyonlarca kişinin sevgisini, saygısını kazanmış…

Atatürk sevdası bu milletin kaderinde, gönlünde, geçmişinde, geleceğinde kalın çizgilerle, yaldızlı harflerle yazılı…


Our Endless Love

It was the year I started primary school that I met Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for the first time. When I saw his large-size photo in the school hallway, I stopped in front of it and studied it for a long time. That Atatürk photograph, which remained in the old pages of my childhood, still remains in my memory with all its freshness. A proud, majestic Atatürk portrait with a cape on his head, in uniform, binoculars in his hand…

When the bell rang and went out for break time, then when I was entering the classroom again, that photo of Atatürk seemed to be calling me without words.

While I was passing by, I always topped suddenly and examine all the details one by one with my child’s eyes. This situation continued for a long time. In the following periods, my admiration for him increased when I learned his life story from the books and what I heard from my teacher.

His mother, his father, his being orphaned at a young age, the schools he attended… his staying with his uncle for a while…

Those in my age group remember very well the story of his chasing a crow on his uncle’s farm. The picture of Little Mustafa chasing a crow has been in our primary school books for a long time.

In due course, we learned about the wars he participated in and their history.

We even memorized one by one.

His wise sayings are engraved in our memories.

“How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’

“Turkish, prise yourself, work, trust”

“My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will stand firm forever.”

“Seeing me doesn’t necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand my ideas and my feelings that’s enough.”

Leader in war and peace against his enemies

“Our true mentor in life is science.”

“If one day my words contradict science, choose science.”

“All of my hope is in the youth.”

And we have read hundreds of other wise words of Atatürk. He had elaborate sentences on almost every subject. Every time we read each of them, we saw that he was right.

On our National Holidays, we commemorated Atatürk in the most befitting way. We read poems and articles about him.

Every November 10th, we were filled with sadness. We were sad, we even cried. At 5 past 9, which is the time of death, we silently commemorated our Ata, leaving the work in our hands and standing in a moment of silence where we are.

Atatürk was our unending love
With our children’s minds, “He expelled the enemy from the homeland, established the Republic, and gave us this homeland. “We said it every time.

We still say it and try to commemorate him in the best way possible.

It is as if we have started to understand and get to know Mustafa Kemal better in the recent years.

Nowadays, we are more aware of how a special person he really was.

It is almost as if he was a chosen person for this nation… How sophisticated he was.

Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

First of all, a very good, forward-thinking soldier, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal…

To manage and win all these wars with skill and foresight; and then creating a country out of nothing is not a job that everyone can do…

A leader respected by his enemies, both in war and in peace

A strong, hardworking, proud, determined, planned, smart, loving, respectful, well-mannered, gentleman, patriotic, strong-willed leader…

While managing the wars on the one hand, on the other hand determining all the needs of his country one by one; he put into practice what needs to be done after the war.

He built the new Turkish Republic step by step, stitch by knot.

He thought of Turkish agriculture, economy, industry, education, justice system, health system and defence one by one and created the necessary institutions and organizations:

Paper, fabric, sugar, weapons, aircraft, iron-steel, glass factories… Dams…

Turkish Language Association, Turkish Historical Society, Turkish Aeronautical Association, Child Protection Agency….

Schools, universities, hospitals, agricultural cooperatives…

All the institutions required for a new country… He established each one with care, research and a thousand and one effort.

He showed us in the most beautiful and detailed way how a nation can be created out of nothing.

Atatürk, who was given the title of “leader of the century” by UNESCO, has so many beautiful features…

For example, he dressed very stylishly and well-groomed in all circumstances. He designed her own clothes.

We see him stylish, charismatic and attentive in each of his photographs.

He loved horseback riding, swimming and reading

Even at the front, Atatürk read whenever he had the chance. Nearly 4000 books, easy to speak… We see that the books exhibited in Anıtkabir were read underlined…

In one of his conversations, “I was poor when I was a kid. When I got two cents, I would give a cent of it to the book. If I weren’t like this, I wouldn’t be able to do any of these things.” Says this precious person…

Among all his works, he wrote 14 books.

Geometry, Civil Studies, Combat Training of the Squadron…

He introduced the mathematic terms such as angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, triangle, circle and many more into Turkish.

He loved trees, nature and animals very much

In the first years of the Republic, most of the land where today’s Atatürk Forest Farm is located was swamp. Atatürk himself worked to ensure that this land was afforested and turned into a beautiful farm.

Have you ever heard of another leader in the world who pulled the big building to the side with sledges in order not to cut down a tree in those years? There is not already…

Walking Mansion

When he learns that the plane tree next to a building in the farm in Yalova will be cut, he prevents it and does not cut the tree. Thereupon, the surrounding of the building is excavated and rails are laid and the huge building is pulled away from the tree… The name of that building is known as the “Walking Mansion”. The history writes the tree love of such a tree and green lover leader…

A leader who prizes women, children and youth

Atatürk loved children and young people separately. He cared about them and saw them as the future of the country. So much so that he gave them two great precious holidays…

23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk and Youth and Sports Day…

While women are not prized enough in the world; our Atatürk was a leader who did his best for them to take place in every aspect of life, from politics to education.

While working day and night in life, he was able to devote time to all these. He fit into establishing a huge state in his short life.

He has won the love and respect of millions of people…

Atatürk’s love is written in thick lines and gilded letters in the destiny, heart, past and future of this nation…

And it will never be deleted…

We remember you with respect,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk