On the other hand, the spring is the season of balanced nutrition, getting rid of toxins that we call body toxins, namely, it is detox season.

According to experts, people’s need for oxygen increases in the spring months, and an increase in the hormone serotonin is seen. The work to be done is to avoid a high-fat, sugary, salty diet, and to stay away from carbohydrates and try to eat healthy.

The reason for the fatigue felt is the result of the body’s efforts to adapt to the innovations and changes brought by the spring.

The task of the person should be to understand and meet the needs of the body. For example, the meal and sleep times should not be changed, the person should take care to eat, go to bed and get up at certain times. Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Breakfast without sugary tea, without excess sugar, grains and salt is also important. This breakfast should contain tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, parsley and children should not be sent to school without having breakfast.
Spring fatigue may start in March or April and last for 15-30 days. In spring, the brain needs more oxygen. Iron deficiency prevents oxygen flow to the brain and weakens memory.

It is necessary to consume more iron-rich foods and to reduce alcohol, cola and caffeinated drinks in order to prevent this.
Iron-rich foods are red meat, liver, spleen, and legumes. Milk and dairy products are used for calcium, which is as important as iron. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, grains with high pulp are eaten.

Omega-3 fats make up 20 percent of the adipose tissue, which forms an important part of our brain. This need is met by oily fish, flax seeds, farm eggs and green leafy vegetables, as well as root vegetables such as celery, vermicelli, radishes, and beets.
Apart from feeding, moving in the open air, walking and chatting with friends are also good for spring fatigue.
In cases of fatigue lasting more than a month and increasing rather than decreasing, a doctor or hospital should be consulted and the cause of the fatigue should be investigated. The prolonged fatigue can be a sign of serious diseases, especially if there is fever or weakness.

Seasonal changes affect the whole nature and also people. Since the physical and mental structure of each person is different, the effect is more or less and in different ways.

The spring season causes some people to complain of weakness, fatigue, joint pain and insomnia. While some do not even realize that spring is coming, others cannot think and work healthily due to stress and mental tension. In the winter season, people generally eat heavy, old, sugary, salty foods and gain weight without thinking about the weight problem.

On the other hand, the spring is the season of balanced nutrition, getting rid of toxins that we call body toxins, namely, it is detox season.

According to experts, people’s need for oxygen increases in the spring months, and an increase in the hormone serotonin is seen. The work to be done is to avoid a high-fat, sugary, salty diet, and to stay away from carbohydrates and try to eat healthy.

The reason for the fatigue felt is the result of the body’s efforts to adapt to the innovations and changes brought by the spring.

The task of the person should be to understand and meet the needs of the body. For example, the meal and sleep times should not be changed, the person should take care to eat, go to bed and get up at certain times. Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Breakfast without sugary tea, without excess sugar, grains and salt is also important. This breakfast should contain tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, parsley and children should not be sent to school without having breakfast.
Spring fatigue may start in March or April and last for 15-30 days. In spring, the brain needs more oxygen. Iron deficiency prevents oxygen flow to the brain and weakens memory.

It is necessary to consume more iron-rich foods and to reduce alcohol, cola and caffeinated drinks in order to prevent this.
Iron-rich foods are red meat, liver, spleen, and legumes. Milk and dairy products are used for calcium, which is as important as iron. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, grains with high pulp are eaten.

Omega-3 fats make up 20 percent of the adipose tissue, which forms an important part of our brain. This need is met by oily fish, flax seeds, farm eggs and green leafy vegetables, as well as root vegetables such as celery, vermicelli, radishes, and beets.
Apart from feeding, moving in the open air, walking and chatting with friends are also good for spring fatigue.
In cases of fatigue lasting more than a month and increasing rather than decreasing, a doctor or hospital should be consulted and the cause of the fatigue should be investigated. The prolonged fatigue can be a sign of serious diseases, especially if there is fever or weakness.

Kış mevsiminde insanlar genellikle kilo sorununu düşünmeden ağır, yaşlı, şekerli, tuzlu beslenmiş ve kilo almışlardır. Bahar ise dengeli beslenme, bedeni toksin dediğimiz zehirlerden kurtulma yani detoks mevsimidir

Uzmanlara göre bahar aylarında insanların oksijen ihtiyacı artar, serotonin hormonunda da artış görülür. Yapılacak iş bol yağlı, şekerli, tuzlu beslenmeden, karbonhidratlardan uzaklaşıp sağlıklı beslenmeye çalışmaktadır.

Hissedilen yorgunluğun nedeni vücudun baharın getirdiği yenilik ve değişikliklere uyma çalışmalarının bir sonucudur.

İyi ve zamanında uyunan uyku en iyi tamircidir.

Kişiye düşen görev bedenin ihtiyaçlarını anlayıp, karşılamak olmalıdır. Söz gelişi yemek ve uyku saatlerini değiştirmemeli belli saatlerde yemek yemeye, yatmaya, kalkmaya özen göstermelidir.

İyi ve zamanında uyunan uyku en iyi tamircidir.
Şekerli çay içmeden, fazla şeker, tahıl ve tuz kullanmadan yapılan kahvaltı da önemlidir. Bu kahvaltıda domates, salatalık, yeşil biber, maydonoz bulunmalı ve çocuklar kahvaltı yapmadan okula gönderilmemelidir.

Bahar yorgunluğu mart veya nisan ayında başlayarak 15-30 gün sürebilir. Bahar aylarında beynin daha çok oksijene ihtiyacı vardır. Demir eksikliği beyne oksijen gidişini önler, belleği zayıf düşürür. Bunu önlemek için demir zengini yiyecekleri daha bol almak, alkol, kolalı ve kafeinli içecekleri azaltmak gerekir.
Demir zengini yiyecekler kırmızı et, karaciğer, dalak ve bakliyattır. Demir kadar önemli olan kalsiyum için süt ve sütlü ürünlerden yararlanılır. Ceviz, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, posası bol tahıllar yenir.

Beynimizin önemli bir kısmını oluşturan yağ dokusunun yüzde 20’sini omega-3 yağları oluşturur. Bu ihtiyaç yağlı balık, keten tohumu, çiftlik yumurtaları ve yeşil yapraklı sebzeler ile Kereviz, yerelması, turp, pancar gibi kök sebzelerden sağlanır.
Beslenme dışında açık havada hareket etmek, yürümek, eş-dostla sohbet etmek de bahar yorgunluğuna iyi gelir.
Bir aydan fazla süren ve azalacak yerde artan yorgunluklarda bir doktora veya hastaneye başvurup, yorgunluğun nedeni araştırılmalıdır. Çünkü uzun süren yorgunluklar, özellikle ateş veya zayıflamada varsa ciddi hastalıkların belirtisi olabilirler.

Seasonal changes affect the whole nature and also people. Since the physical and mental structure of each person is different, the effect is more or less and in different ways.

The spring season causes some people to complain of weakness, fatigue, joint pain and insomnia. While some do not even realize that spring is coming, others cannot think and work healthily due to stress and mental tension. In the winter season, people generally eat heavy, old, sugary, salty foods and gain weight without thinking about the weight problem.

On the other hand, the spring is the season of balanced nutrition, getting rid of toxins that we call body toxins, namely, it is detox season.

According to experts, people’s need for oxygen increases in the spring months, and an increase in the hormone serotonin is seen. The work to be done is to avoid a high-fat, sugary, salty diet, and to stay away from carbohydrates and try to eat healthy.

The reason for the fatigue felt is the result of the body’s efforts to adapt to the innovations and changes brought by the spring.

The task of the person should be to understand and meet the needs of the body. For example, the meal and sleep times should not be changed, the person should take care to eat, go to bed and get up at certain times. Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Breakfast without sugary tea, without excess sugar, grains and salt is also important. This breakfast should contain tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, parsley and children should not be sent to school without having breakfast.
Spring fatigue may start in March or April and last for 15-30 days. In spring, the brain needs more oxygen. Iron deficiency prevents oxygen flow to the brain and weakens memory.

It is necessary to consume more iron-rich foods and to reduce alcohol, cola and caffeinated drinks in order to prevent this.
Iron-rich foods are red meat, liver, spleen, and legumes. Milk and dairy products are used for calcium, which is as important as iron. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, grains with high pulp are eaten.

Omega-3 fats make up 20 percent of the adipose tissue, which forms an important part of our brain. This need is met by oily fish, flax seeds, farm eggs and green leafy vegetables, as well as root vegetables such as celery, vermicelli, radishes, and beets.
Apart from feeding, moving in the open air, walking and chatting with friends are also good for spring fatigue.
In cases of fatigue lasting more than a month and increasing rather than decreasing, a doctor or hospital should be consulted and the cause of the fatigue should be investigated. The prolonged fatigue can be a sign of serious diseases, especially if there is fever or weakness.

Mevsim değişiklikleri bütün doğayı ve bu arada insanları da etkiler. Her insanın fizik ve ruhsal yapısı farklı olduğundan etkilenme az veya çok ve farklı şekillerde olur.

Bahar mevsimi insanların bazılarında halsizlik, yorgunluk, eklem ağrıları ve uykusuzluk yakınmalarına neden olur. Bazıları baharın geldiğini bile farketmezken diğerleri stres ve ruhsal gerginlikten sağlıklı düşünüp, çalışamaz.

Kış mevsiminde insanlar genellikle kilo sorununu düşünmeden ağır, yaşlı, şekerli, tuzlu beslenmiş ve kilo almışlardır. Bahar ise dengeli beslenme, bedeni toksin dediğimiz zehirlerden kurtulma yani detoks mevsimidir

Uzmanlara göre bahar aylarında insanların oksijen ihtiyacı artar, serotonin hormonunda da artış görülür. Yapılacak iş bol yağlı, şekerli, tuzlu beslenmeden, karbonhidratlardan uzaklaşıp sağlıklı beslenmeye çalışmaktadır.

Hissedilen yorgunluğun nedeni vücudun baharın getirdiği yenilik ve değişikliklere uyma çalışmalarının bir sonucudur.

İyi ve zamanında uyunan uyku en iyi tamircidir.

Kişiye düşen görev bedenin ihtiyaçlarını anlayıp, karşılamak olmalıdır. Söz gelişi yemek ve uyku saatlerini değiştirmemeli belli saatlerde yemek yemeye, yatmaya, kalkmaya özen göstermelidir.

İyi ve zamanında uyunan uyku en iyi tamircidir.
Şekerli çay içmeden, fazla şeker, tahıl ve tuz kullanmadan yapılan kahvaltı da önemlidir. Bu kahvaltıda domates, salatalık, yeşil biber, maydonoz bulunmalı ve çocuklar kahvaltı yapmadan okula gönderilmemelidir.

Bahar yorgunluğu mart veya nisan ayında başlayarak 15-30 gün sürebilir. Bahar aylarında beynin daha çok oksijene ihtiyacı vardır. Demir eksikliği beyne oksijen gidişini önler, belleği zayıf düşürür. Bunu önlemek için demir zengini yiyecekleri daha bol almak, alkol, kolalı ve kafeinli içecekleri azaltmak gerekir.
Demir zengini yiyecekler kırmızı et, karaciğer, dalak ve bakliyattır. Demir kadar önemli olan kalsiyum için süt ve sütlü ürünlerden yararlanılır. Ceviz, yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, posası bol tahıllar yenir.

Beynimizin önemli bir kısmını oluşturan yağ dokusunun yüzde 20’sini omega-3 yağları oluşturur. Bu ihtiyaç yağlı balık, keten tohumu, çiftlik yumurtaları ve yeşil yapraklı sebzeler ile Kereviz, yerelması, turp, pancar gibi kök sebzelerden sağlanır.
Beslenme dışında açık havada hareket etmek, yürümek, eş-dostla sohbet etmek de bahar yorgunluğuna iyi gelir.
Bir aydan fazla süren ve azalacak yerde artan yorgunluklarda bir doktora veya hastaneye başvurup, yorgunluğun nedeni araştırılmalıdır. Çünkü uzun süren yorgunluklar, özellikle ateş veya zayıflamada varsa ciddi hastalıkların belirtisi olabilirler.

Seasonal changes affect the whole nature and also people. Since the physical and mental structure of each person is different, the effect is more or less and in different ways.

The spring season causes some people to complain of weakness, fatigue, joint pain and insomnia. While some do not even realize that spring is coming, others cannot think and work healthily due to stress and mental tension. In the winter season, people generally eat heavy, old, sugary, salty foods and gain weight without thinking about the weight problem.

On the other hand, the spring is the season of balanced nutrition, getting rid of toxins that we call body toxins, namely, it is detox season.

According to experts, people’s need for oxygen increases in the spring months, and an increase in the hormone serotonin is seen. The work to be done is to avoid a high-fat, sugary, salty diet, and to stay away from carbohydrates and try to eat healthy.

The reason for the fatigue felt is the result of the body’s efforts to adapt to the innovations and changes brought by the spring.

The task of the person should be to understand and meet the needs of the body. For example, the meal and sleep times should not be changed, the person should take care to eat, go to bed and get up at certain times. Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Good and timely sleep is the best mechanic.

Breakfast without sugary tea, without excess sugar, grains and salt is also important. This breakfast should contain tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, parsley and children should not be sent to school without having breakfast.
Spring fatigue may start in March or April and last for 15-30 days. In spring, the brain needs more oxygen. Iron deficiency prevents oxygen flow to the brain and weakens memory.

It is necessary to consume more iron-rich foods and to reduce alcohol, cola and caffeinated drinks in order to prevent this.
Iron-rich foods are red meat, liver, spleen, and legumes. Milk and dairy products are used for calcium, which is as important as iron. Walnuts, green leafy vegetables, grains with high pulp are eaten.

Omega-3 fats make up 20 percent of the adipose tissue, which forms an important part of our brain. This need is met by oily fish, flax seeds, farm eggs and green leafy vegetables, as well as root vegetables such as celery, vermicelli, radishes, and beets.
Apart from feeding, moving in the open air, walking and chatting with friends are also good for spring fatigue.
In cases of fatigue lasting more than a month and increasing rather than decreasing, a doctor or hospital should be consulted and the cause of the fatigue should be investigated. The prolonged fatigue can be a sign of serious diseases, especially if there is fever or weakness.